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Blog to share ideas, experiences and the vision of how to adopt better Customer Experiences in our organizations.

Strategy (2)

Best success stories of companies with UX/UI strategies

5 min read

Best success stories of companies with UX/UI strategies

You've probably asked yourself: What do companies do to achieve successful results through their platforms?

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Importance of the data management service today and its implications.

3 min read

Importance of the data management service today and its implications.

A corporation's processes must involve data, steps, statistics, and architectures. For the company to function correctly, this data must be managed....

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Importance of Process Automation in each Industry

3 min read

Importance of Process Automation in each Industry

In today's industry, there is much competition in a single sector. Therefore, you must have a better service to succeed and even be better than...

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What is a value proposition?

8 min read

What is a value proposition?

Many companies are clear about their promise to their customers; some even know why the client wants them since they maintain good communication with...

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Six Thinking Hats

2 min read

Six Thinking Hats [Design Thinking]

According to Edward de Bono, confusion is a difficulty associated with thinking; this occurs because we try to do too much simultaneously. Bono also...

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What is the value proposition and how to create one for your business?

3 min read

What is the value proposition and how to create one for your business?

A value proposition is an essential element in any business plan. It describes what makes our product or service different from the competition and...

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Improving customer experience in banks

8 min read

Improving customer experience in banks

Banks face barriers to growth, like market instabilities that increase their operating costs and decrease their profits. Meanwhile, the quality of...

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What is Customer Journey and the Customer Journey Maps?

3 min read

What is Customer Journey and the Customer Journey Maps?

Does the word delight sound interesting to you? In the customer experience field this word is used to refer to the creation of a positive emotional...

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Achieve excellence with CXM practices and strategies

7 min read

Achieve excellence with CXM practices and strategies

Discover how to achieve excellence in CXM practices and strategies in your company. Adopt innovative initiatives that will benefit your customer...

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Design Thinking: What is its importance in the customer experience?

4 min read

Design Thinking: What is its importance in the customer experience?

We face challenges that test our creativity and ingenuity every day, so we must generate ideas to address various challenges. However, only some of...

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