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Aileen Pierce

Strategy consultant

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2 min read

How Value Stream Mapping drives customer experience

A value stream map (VSM) is a powerful tool used in continuous improvement methodologies such as Lean and Six Sigma to visualize and analyze the flow within a system.

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3 min read

Use case: Processes in Formula 1

Formula 1, commonly abbreviated as F1, is the highest level of international single-seater racing. However, it is not only a sport but also a complex...

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2 min read

Six Thinking Hats [Design Thinking]

According to Edward de Bono, confusion is a difficulty associated with thinking; this occurs because we try to do too much simultaneously. Bono also...

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4 min read

Evolution of the retail industry and its processes

By 2022, according to Insider Intelligence in its global e-commerce forecast, "retail sales will grow 5% year-on-year to more than $27.33 trillion."...

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2 min read

Understanding the empathy map

Do you understand what the primary needs your customers seek to satisfy are? What is their objective, and what frustrates them in the process? Do you...

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2 min read

4 key factors in creating a successful Buyer Persona

Do you think all people buy the same way? Let's see, will a teenager with a summer job have the exact needs of a 30-year-old adult? Will the content...


6 min read

DMAIC and other Six Sigma tools to drive continuous improvement

A few months ago, near my house, a family decided to start a business and use part of their garage as a bakery. They put up a display case, had their...

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2 min read

Designing with empathy (Design Thinking)

Do you want to design a product or service that works? If you are thinking of using Design Thinking, you should know that a fundamental element that...

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2 min read

Design Thinking: think outside the box

It is easy to say that thinking outside the box allows us to solve complex problems innovatively, but putting it into practice can be a big challenge...

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2 min read

Welcome aboard: Customer Journey (CX)

CX initiatives are often designed under a "one-size-fits-all" approach, rather than focusing on the people and moments that matter most in their...

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