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Business Process

What is ABC costing?

5 min read

What is ABC costing? what advantages does it have over other costings?

The idea of ABC costing is not new; rather, it dates back to the 1970s, with its development primarily attributed to two accounting professors:...

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OKRs and what are the challenges of implementing them in remote teams?

5 min read

OKRs and what are the challenges of implementing them in remote teams?

What are OKRs? We're talking about a goal-setting methodology that helps us define and follow ambitious goals within our organization. OKR stands for...

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Optimize your business processes

6 min read

Optimize your business processes

This article arises after asking the following questions: Who doesn't like to improve? Who doesn't seek optimization in their daily tasks? Is there...

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Operational Model for Success in 2024

4 min read

Operational Model for Success in 2024

In the dynamic business landscape of 2024, navigating towards the future poses an imperative challenge for organizations seeking sustainable success....

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Self-management in Business Processes: Keys to Effectiveness

7 min read

How to self-manage business processes

Self-management in business processes is not just a passing trend; it is a revolution that is transforming the industry in real-time. In a global...

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Systematization in sales departments: Steps and benefits

3 min read

Systematization in sales departments: Steps and benefits

Sales and marketing management is a vital area for the success of any company. In a world where competition is intense and consumers are more...

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crm solutions

2 min read

The challenges and solutions for CRM platforms

Como bien se conoce estamos en constante evolución en la era digital, las empresas buscan constantemente formas de mejorar sus relaciones con los...

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process design

8 min read

Why SARA Methodology must precede software to avoid failures

In the age of technology, it is common for many companies to feel pressured to adopt the latest trends, however, in this article, we will explore why...

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3 min read

Why define the marketing process for a CRM platform?

A Customer Relationship Management or CRM is an essential tool for companies that want to maintain and enhance their relationships with customers. To...

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How Value Stream Mapping drives customer experience

2 min read

How Value Stream Mapping drives customer experience

A value stream map (VSM) is a powerful tool used in continuous improvement methodologies such as Lean and Six Sigma to visualize and analyze the flow...

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