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Strategy (7)

Inbound Marketing Strategy on Social Media: Buyer's Journey

2 min read

Inbound marketing strategy on social networks: Buyer's Journey

Social media has become a critical medium for key contact with our prospects and potential customers, this contact is formed by actively researching...

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Create an Inbound Marketing Strategy on Social Media: 4 Step Guide

2 min read

Create an inbound marketing strategy on social media: 4 step guide

Currently, social networks are the best tool for planning and creating sales strategies, since they have a lot of potential for your business. That...

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The Buyer's Journey in Inbound Marketing Strategies

4 min read

The Buyer's Journey in Inbound Marketing Strategies

Now that we have built the Buyer Persona, the first pillar of the inbound strategy, what's next? Well let's look at the second pilar, the Buyers...

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How long does an Inbound strategy take to give results?

6 min read

How long does an Inbound strategy take to give results?

In 2004, Brian Halligan, Dharmesh Shah, and David Meerman began to develop modern inbound marketing methodology, a method that has the premise that...

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Price management for all types of business models

2 min read

Price management for all types of business models

As part of the administration of an online store it is possible that, depending on the business model and rules that you want to follow, it is...

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4 min read

14 Patterns of successful business model

The ability of people to innovate never ceases to amaze us, companies are continuously developing innovative products. Despite their innovations,...

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6 min read

Continuos improvement applied to the business model

In 2008 Alexander Osterwalder (business scientist and co-founder of Strategyzer) developed a tool to facilitate the analysis and visualization of...

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10 Signs that it is time to update your business model

3 min read

10 Signs that it is time to update your business model

In simple words, a business model is the way in which a company creates, delivers, and captures market value. There are different tools to study...

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3 Tips for Planning Your eCommerce b2b Strategy

3 min read

3 tips for planning your B2B trade strategy

Digital Transformation has forced companies to start making all kinds of innovations, and eCommerce strategies are undoubtedly one of the most in...

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CRM Lead generation

3 min read

Lead generation strategies, from your website to your CRM

Consumer buying habits have changed. Now users have control over the process and have many sources of information, which makes them more analytical....

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