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Katherine Dixon

3 min read

Basic SEO recommendations on HubSpot that you should not ignore.

What is SEO and why is it important? How long does it take to see results in SEO? These are some of the questions that clients ask when they want to better understand the process and how they can benefit from it.

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3 min read

How to create a SEO strategy on HubSpot

Do you know what Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is? If you are an expert in Marketing, indeed you do; if you are not, do not worry because, in this...

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2 min read

Email marketing campaign with Marketo

Nowadays, most people know what an email is! And a survey conducted by HubSpot confirms it, 91% of consumers use email, either for work, education,...

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2 min read

Marketo Engage main features and when to use it

Remember Adobe's Engagement Platform? It's now called Marketo Engage.

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2 min read

How to increase your traffic and customers with quality content

If you ask an entrepreneur, manager, or owner of their own business, what are their goals? The answer is always: sell more! But they don't always...

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2 min read

How to start using videos in your marketing strategy

We all know that, nowadays, social networks are part of our daily lives and, therefore, everything they entail, marketing strategies, content,...

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2 min read

Content ideas for each stage of the Buyer Journey

Normally, people only show interest in acquiring a product or service when they must satisfy a need and it solves it. In other words, they only pay...

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