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2 min read

What is Big Data and What is it For?

The term “big data” is used to describe large amount of data which can be either structured (information commonly found in most databases that are often displayed in rows and columns with titles) or unstructured (emails, videos, audios, spreadsheets...

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3 min read

Product Pages That Can Boost Sale Conversions in Your eCommerce

Product pages are the most important part of your eCommerce, and whether you sell fishing products, clothing, appliances or children's toys, you...

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4 min read

3 Low-Cost Tips for Increase Sales in Your E-Commerce

Companies go to great lengths to move their business from an analogous similar to a digital economy. Making the decision to implement an eCommerce...

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7 min read

eCommerce: A Guide to Doing Business Online

The need to implement eCommerce solutions that allow your customers to place orders, inquiries, support, and online payments, is becoming...

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3 min read

6 Steps That Bring Your Business Closer to Digital Transformation

Today, digital technologies have evolved to include multiple transactions and digital integrations to their processes. Some of these technologies...

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3 min read

3 tips for planning your B2B trade strategy

Digital Transformation has forced companies to start making all kinds of innovations, and eCommerce strategies are undoubtedly one of the most in...

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2 min read

Leveraging your CRM data in a Big Data strategy

Big Data is one of the biggest challenges for companies and one of the top priorities among company managers. This powerful field is no stranger to...

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3 min read

Lead generation strategies, from your website to your CRM

Consumer buying habits have changed. Now users have control over the process and have many sources of information, which makes them more analytical....

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3 min read

How to qualify my opportunities from my sales CRM

The qualification of potential clients is a methodology used by commercial departments to determine the value of potential customers. This is done by...

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2 min read

Continue selling in your CRM marketing, even when you are very busy

Many projects may require more time than you actually have, but this cannot be an excuse to stop your marketing initiatives. Use the benefits of your...

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