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Katherine Dixon

Importance of HubSpot reports to measure your goals

2 min read

Importance of HubSpot reports to measure your goals

As in any project, it makes sense to want to measure the results of our efforts, and this helps us correct actions and implement new ones to achieve even better results. It is the same at the company level and the measures that marketing and sales...

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3 min read

How to create a SEO strategy on HubSpot

Do you know what Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is? If you are an expert in Marketing, indeed you do; if you are not, do not worry because, in this...

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Email marketing campaign with Marketo

2 min read

Email marketing campaign with Marketo

Nowadays, most people know what an email is! And a survey conducted by HubSpot confirms it, 91% of consumers use email, either for work, education,...

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Marketo Engage main features and when to use it

2 min read

Marketo Engage main features and when to use it

Remember Adobe's Engagement Platform? It's now called Marketo Engage.

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marketing campaigns

2 min read

Reasons to use workflows in marketing campaigns

Do you know what workflows are and what they are for? Workflows, or workflows, are the automation of processes through a series of configurable steps...

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7 tactics Account Based Marketing process

3 min read

7 Tactics that will Boost your Account-Based Marketing Process

You've probably heard of Inbound Marketing, a non-invasive approach that focuses on attracting the right customers through quality content rather...

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holiday season

4 min read

How to prepare your company for the holiday season?

Christmas is the most anticipated time of year for many and the busiest time of year for all businesses, so it is important to prepare your marketing...

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Account-based marketing: Expectation vs. Reality

2 min read

Account-Based Marketing Expectations

It is common, that in the eagerness to sell, we want to market and sell to customers who are not right for the business. Don't waste your time! In...

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inbound marketing

3 min read

What is inbound marketing and how to apply it successfully in 2021?

The way of consumption nowadays is through personal or business purchasing decisions, the customer likes to be always in control. This is where...

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quality content

2 min read

How to increase your traffic and customers with quality content

If you ask an entrepreneur, manager, or owner of their own business, what are their goals? The answer is always: sell more! But they don't always...

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