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Improve your profile and get better leads on LinkedIn

3 min read

Improve your profile and get better leads on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a professional network with over 400 million users. It would help if you learned how to make your profile stand out with such an extensive business network. If you want the perfect LinkedIn profile, we've put together a list of tips to ensure your profile doesn't go unnoticed.



Profile LinkedIn

Remember to review the following points to optimize your LinkedIn profile:


1. Maintain your profile in several languages 

LinkedIn lets you have your profile in many languages, with about 20 profiles in their corresponding language. This aspect is crucial because it helps you not mix languages in the same profile, which can confuse the reader.

To create your profile in another language, follow the steps below: 

I leave you a guide on how to make a language change.

  1. Click on the You icon at the top of your LinkedIn home page to view your profile.
  2. Click View profile.
  3. Click Add profile in another tongue on the right side of the screen.
  4. Choose a tongue from the drop-down list and update your first and last name if it differs in the new profile language.
  5. Translate your current professional headline. Translations are not done automatically; you will need to add or translate your content by editing your secondary profile in another language.
  6. Select Create profile.
  7. Once you have completed all the sections, the secondary languages will appear below the primary language of your profile at the top right of the profile page. As shown in the screenshot below:

Users will see your profile in the language that matches the language they use on the website. If they are using the website in a language that you have not created a secondary profile, they will see your profile in the language of your primary profile. The "additional information" section will be the same in all your profiles and cannot be different for each language profile.

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2. Keep your profile up to date 


Work experience: Indicate all the jobs you are interested in, showing your years of experience in each one, the company, and functions.

  • Education: Add your university education, postgraduate studies, and other courses you are interested in highlighting.
  • Volunteering: Highlight your initiatives to make a better world.
  • Skills: Professional qualities you would like to highlight.
  • Achievements: Publications, certifications, patents, courses, projects, recognitions, awards, languages.
  • Recommendations: Get people who have worked with you to leave their suggestions regarding your professional profile.
  • Others: Contact information, website, products or services, bio, multimedia content.

3. Custom URL for your profile (easily accessible).

Check Linkedin's guide to achieve it.

Other recommendations for your URL are: Do not use accents and do not make it too long.

Example of a friendly URL:


Profile Recommendations

4. Recommendations and references

Please get recommendations from clients.

5. Connect with quality contacts to grow your profile.

LinkedIn does not show all profiles unless your network is of quality. Therefore we advise you to look for and add contacts that contribute to your profile. Some recommendations to get new connections are: 

  • Ask those people to connect on LinkedIn whenever you go to a trade show.
  • Invite contacts whose email addresses you already have.
  • Send invitations to connect: Look for those LinkedIn contacts who can bring value and quality to your network.

You can see the blog What is content marketing and its evolution into the next decade? Read this to get an idea of quality content for your profile.

Make your invitations to connect, and send a personalized message in that invitation.


  1. Invitations allow 300 characters (a short paragraph), no URLs.
  2. Never, ever, ever be commercial in that first invitation. Don't ask for anything like you wouldn't do in real life. They are in "greeting" and "being nice" mode.
  3. Whenever you can, when making invitations, mention contacts in common, areas of interest, or whatever has caught your attention from their profile and why you are sending them the invitation. Please demonstrate that you have read their profile and are interested in what that person is or says.
  4. Politeness, kindness, friendliness. Use all these "weapons" when writing your invitation to connect.

And finally, take care of your contacts. Relate and interact with them.

We recommend you: Build your B2B buyer persona properly

6. Include keywords in the profile

These keywords must be related to your professional profile. This way, you will give clear information to the social network so they can locate you.

Content in the profile

7. Write an attractive headline

Here are some tips:

  • Optimize the keyword.
  • Add some quality (experience in auditing, tax, consultant).
  • Take care of spelling mistakes.
  • Use capital letters where appropriate (all capital letters may look like you are shouting).
  • Avoid unfamiliar acronyms. You can see an infinite number of abbreviations on the Internet that can mean very different things. Be careful!
  • You don't have to fill all the space. You can say a lot with a few words.
  • Show more than your title. Using more content, you will be able to fit more keywords.
  • Please don't use the word, expert. Many studies say that this word says very little about you. It is better to show your expertise.

8. Fill in the About you field and remember the keywords.

9. Add your contact information

10. Publish reports or valuable content of your authorship or other recognized companies.

All of the above points can optimize your profile, improving the quality of your content, increasing traffic to your profile, and even the interest of other people to visit it.

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