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2 min read

Marketo Engage leader in the Gartner 2020 Quadrant Lead Management

2 min read

Marketo Engage leader in the Gartner 2020 Quadrant Lead Management

In today's world, users do not buy the same way as they did 10 or 15 years ago. Nowadays, the concept of "Customer Experience" is frequently heard, how to improve the customer's experience with the company and make the user's purchase journey as satisfactory and friendly as possible.

This concept comes hand in hand with CRM platforms, which allow your customers' experience to continuously adapt to buyers based on their behavior, also in real-time. According to any action, they execute changes in their data profiles to make the most of every opportunity for interaction on time; what does it mean? Every time the user enters your website, downloads a document, completes a form, requests information, and schedules an appointment with an executive, each of these actions has a score that allows you to qualify it later to execute any follow-up or follow-up sales action.

This blog will talk about Marketo Engage, a recently acquired (2018) Adobe platform that works very well for marketers to engage in an integrated way with their customers. It is a solution that offers powerful functionalities for lead management, inbound marketing, methodologies such as ABM, multi-channel marketing, analytics, and reporting, as well as a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) integration to maximize the reach, management, and handling of information.


Marketo is known as a total sales funnel marketing platform to transform digital marketing and optimize the customer experience of your global customers with a 360 approach. It is a marketing automation platform that helps marketers coordinate every element of their planning, engagement, and measurement to drive profits and growth for every business.


Some of the functionalities Marketo has are:

  • Customer Journey Mapping.
  • Lead nurturing and qualification.
  • Account-based customer care (ABM).
  • Campaign organization (email).
  • Personalized content and websites.
  • Ad network integration.
  • Reporting and campaigns.
  • Marketing lead attribution.
  • Customize access to your account according to your team structure.
  • Customer journey analytics.
  • Campaign and form personalization.
  • Data security.


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In addition, if you are trying to drive sales and marketing alignment, you can use lead, account, and sales engagement intelligence tools.

As an ABM strategy, you can create and orchestrate your entire customer experience strategy focused on those must-have customers, serving your buyers in an automated way with highly personalized experiences at all times. According to Alterra Group, 97% of marketers achieved a higher ROI by incorporating ABM than any other marketing initiative.

You may be interested in: Workflows to automate collections management.

Many companies worldwide have bet on Marketo and have entirely changed the concept of marketing and improved their customers' experience, regardless of their industry or size. Companies that decided to act to automate and not just buy the software.

Some of their triggers to make the purchase decision were:

  • Increasing volume of marketing support
  • Manual process execution leading to backlogs
  • Pre-existing relationships
  • Total cost
  • Adaptability, among others.


According to Gartner, customers' vendor choices before purchasing Adobe are represented as follows:

  • 40% consider HubSpot
  • 35% consider Salesforce
  • 21% consider Oracle

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Adobe has partners in different countries with all the knowledge, preparation, and certification to help you take your marketing management further with platforms such as Marketo, which has been listed for several consecutive years as leaders in the Gartner quadrant. Competing directly with platforms such as those mentioned above.

>> Marketo: Optimization of campaigns via personalized emails. <<

If you desire to understand Marketo better, its applications, advantages, and integrations schedule a meeting with Imagineer, and we will gladly advise you.



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