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One Buyer Persona to rule them all (CX)

4 min read

One Buyer Persona to rule them all (CX)

Have you ever wondered how do I win customers over my competitors in addition to incorporating good marketing practices?

I once read a news item about a chef who said that the shortest way to people's hearts is through their stomachs, using as an example the memory of the food prepared by our mother.

Similarly, the most direct path to customer satisfaction goes through the buying process. The memory of a good experience can make a difference between those customers who become loyal to us and those who decide to purchase the identical product from our competitors.

But, just as our favorite food can make our day, the truth is that our customers' buying process has to adapt to their favorite methods of searching, communication, payment, delivery, and service.

To answer the question I asked you, the way to win customers over your competition is by understanding who your Buyer Persona is and using them in the right way. When designing their Customer Journey, you give more value to their buying process than your competitors. In this blog, I'll tell you how the profiling of a Buyer Persona can affect the Customer Experience of your customers.


  • How to adapt the Buyer Persona to the CX?

  • Why is it important to do so?

  • What are its benefits?

How to adapt the Buyer Persona to CX?

In other blogs, we have talked a bit about the Buyer Persona. Still, if you search the internet, you will realize that this tool focuses on Inbound Marketing strategies, leaving aside the Customer Experience design part.

Remember, this exercise's done to describe the stories that represent an ideal customer for our company, with which we can customize the marketing strategies according to each of the profiles created.

Both assumptions or hypotheses and market research are taken as a basis for the above, although the best practice will always be to validate them through collected and analyzed data. The information contained therein includes demographic, personal, professional, and business characteristics, to name a few, that help us understand for whom we design our marketing campaigns and processes.

How can we adapt a Buyer Persona to improve the Customer Experience? At Imagineer, we believe it is essential to use the Buyer Persona as a base because it already contemplates relevant information to know a little of their background.

However, we think that it is an incomplete exercise because it often tends to degrade people by making them look only like ideal buyers. Therefore, we know that it is necessary to incorporate other elements that bring us closer to understanding who they are and how we can generate value for them.

This adaptation can be achieved by asking questions that go a step beyond the Buyer Persona, such as their objectives, their expectations, their motivations, what frustrates them, and perhaps what are the triggers that drive them to enter a Customer Journey? Also, remember that there are many types of people. Therefore it is crucial to know how to identify the Buyer Persona that represents your ideal customers, on whom you will focus your attention.

Read blog: 10 reasons why you need a Buyer Persona and not an Archetype


Why is it important to do it?

The Buyer Persona will allow you to understand your buyer and how they interact with your brand regardless of whether it is B2B or B2C. This methodology will help you define step-by-step your marketing processes to meet your strategic objectives; however, as mentioned above, as necessary as it is, it is an incomplete exercise if you only focus on seeing your customer as a buyer.

Adding that human component, getting to know and internalizing this person holds better benefits for your company. For a moment, you can put yourself in their position to understand how they look at and understand the world and ask yourself:

  • What do I need a product or service for me (Jobs to be done)?
  • What benefits do I expect to get from this business?
  • What frustrates me about this process?
  • How can this product or service exceed my expectations?
  • What can I do to reduce my frustrations?

I think this series of questions from the Value Proposition will help you understand that the experience our customers have depends on our understanding. If you can answer all these questions correctly, it is because you can dedicate your efforts to ensuring that you know how to identify their needs and that you have a way to help them.

This means going beyond giving them a well-designed product (UX). It means having the ability to empathize with redesigning your service processes according to their specific type of profile. It means customizing your value proposition to give them something different to ensure a better experience during all stages of their Customer Journey.


What are its benefits?

Starting with the basics, when was the last time you went back to buy or recommend a site where you felt severely treated? Exactly, generating a good customer experience is the basis for building customer loyalty and promoting your brand by word of mouth.

The User Experience, which focuses only on the design of products or services focused on the user and the right moment they use them, is only a part of the Customer Experience. It is crucial, but it is probably one of the elements where we focus most of our efforts, and the truth is that we should ask ourselves if customers prefer to have good attention and receive an excellent service for a product that may come defective, or ordinary attention for a good product that another supplier may offer.

If your answer is the second part of this sentence, your competition can probably steal your customers by making them feel positive emotions, even though the product may be a bit more expensive.

On the other hand, good service speaks well of your company. You may not be able to attract new customers only with the recognition of good service, but having processes that do not adapt to the expectations and needs of your Buyer Personas will make you lose many customers.

To summarize the benefits:

  • Creates awareness of the importance of understanding how the Customer Experience is designed.
  • It lets you know who your customers are and how to generate value for them.
  • Allows you to achieve brand loyalty.
  • Promotes your company.
  • Improves the identification of opportunities in processes with technological tools.
  • Generates a competitive advantage by focusing the design on people.

Related blog: Buyer Persona: Key to the success of your business strategy


Customer Experience is a term that has emerged and gained popularity in recent years, primarily because, in business, competition between companies for their products and prices is difficult to win, so it is no longer enough. The diversity, outperforming others, not investing resources and money but knowing where and how to do it.

Dedicating ourselves to improving our customer-facing processes benefits reducing costs and increasing revenues. However, it is also a way to innovate in our service offering, which today has become necessary to enter and have an advantage in this competition. Remember that we can have different types of customers, so it is essential to define well who your Buyer Persona is and thus be able to... Rule them all!

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