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Magento Blogs: A simple way to attract customers

2 min read

Magento Blogs: A simple way to attract customers

Magento is a powerful and flexible e-commerce platform with a wide variety of SEO tools to ensure that the website ranks high in search engines. 

One of the best marketing tools is blogs. They help to attract more customers to the website, are an excellent place to promote the site, and improve customer experience. Blogs are indispensable elements that enable us to promote our products or services. Creating blogs in Magento is very simple, as we are going to see below:

1. Navigate to Content > Blog > Posts and click on Add new post.

Administrar post_Magento



2. Activate the post and enter a label.

3. Select the class you want to assign the blog post. You can also easily create a new category.

nuevo post de blog_Magento

4. Type the blog content in the corresponding space.

You can click "Show / Hide Editor to show the available editor options.


Show / Hide Editor_Magento


5. Add the short content:

The short content is the one that will be displayed on the blog page and in the list of posts.

Contenido corto_Magento


6.    Configure the blog display settings:

  • Upload the main blog image: This image will be seen in the blog preview.
  • The date you want to publish it: Date when will display the blog on the site. Will apply the current date if you do not set the publication date. If you select a future date, the publication will not be visible until that date.
  • The author: Set the author of the blog. If you let this field blank, your admin user will automatically be assigned to this post as the author.
  • Add tags that identify the blog.
  • Please select whether you want it to appear in recent posts.

Configuración de blogs_Magento



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7.    Add photos to the blog's media gallery: They will be displayed at the bottom of the blog page.



8.      Set up search engine optimization.

  • Set the URL Key to be used in the article URL. 

If you let this field blank, it will be caused automatically.

  • Enter the Meta Title, which should be no more extended than 50-60 characters.

Will use the blog title if you do not enter this field.

  • Set the Meta Description, which should be no longer than 160 characters.

Will use the short term if you do not enter this field.



9.      Configure Open Graph Metadata:

  • To share your blogs on your social networks with a better visualization.
  • You can set different titles, descriptions, and images to make your blog posts more attractive.



10.  Pick which websites you like the blog to be published on.

post website_Magento


11.     Choose posts and products.

  • They will be displayed on the blog at the back.

publicaciones y productos_Magento

Save the blog, and you will be able to display it on the blog page on the date you indicated.



Blogs are a good marketing strategy. You can blog about new products, upcoming products on the site, or a topic you want to convey to your customers and visitors.

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