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Dispense with digital marketing, the worst mistake of a company

2 min read

Dispense with digital marketing, the worst mistake of a company

Not a long time from now, I had the chance of knowing a Hotel owner in the north side of the country. The hotel she owned had no visitors in the last 2 years; It was a simply beautiful property in an area of ​​the country privileged by nature and peace, with more than 20 rooms and all the necessary infrastructure for a successful hotel, but without a visitor.

I must admit that the experience generated mixed feelings, on one hand, loving the hotel and its property itself, and on the other hand, a great pain to see how a hotel so well developed is in such a sad situation, as is the lack of visitation.

The hotel is not only off the main vehicle route but it does not have presence on any known digital platform.

For context purposes I clarify that the hotel has almost 40 years of existence, and at that time the marketing was done through flyers, radio and contacts; Sadly, once one of the owners died, that hotel started dying slowly.

At this moment, they do not have their own web page and they do not have a greater presence on the internet, only a few reviews on a tourism page and that’s it. Even the Facebook page cannot be considered a useful tool because the photos and the lack of publications repel anyone who wants to visit that place; Even worse, It doesn't have a phone number to call.

All this history is intended to exemplify in the most cruel but true way, that in 2020 you cannot pretend to survive with a business lacking a good digital strategy.

Many people believe that digital strategy is having social networks, full of "likes" and photos with many interactions. There is nothing further from reality.

The digital strategy of a company involves several important pillars that must be considered. I list them in this order:

  1. Website: make all your sales on YOUR own website, in this way you reduce intermediation costs and control the entire sales path, in addition to getting repurchases.
  2. crm: implementing this type of tools will allow you to hold valuable information about your customers and be able to generate new sales around that information.
  3. Digital Marketing: It is necessary to use the correct pages and give the correct content, not only paying guidelines on social networks generates traffic on the website and higher sales, but defining well where to appear is also important
  4. Digital experiences: try to automate everything you can inside your business, from orders, payments, and even the customer experience.

In this digital age it is necessary to focus efforts in order to maximize results and minimize costs.

If this hotel had at least a good website, it could receive reservations from there and in that way, avoid additional expenses on third party commissions, or at least it would have visits.

Your business may not be based on your capabilities. It is necessary that this responds to a real need of your customers or potential buyers.



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