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Optimizing Landing Pages: Key for generating and converting Leads

2 min read

Optimizing Landing Pages: Key for generating and converting Leads

The landing page must impact the user both in the form (design) and in the background (content). Learn everything you need to know to carry out this process successfully in this infographic.

Many companies nowadays make the mistake of attracting their audience to the page that is not the one indicated by taking them to the home page which means that they cannot collect any type of information from their potential customers. Landing Pages are designed properly for this, it focuses on collecting the necessary information from users to be able to generate traffic, improve your SEO and build your brand but mainly on converting leads.

Its dynamics is quite easy, from a form, clients can obtain some type of benefit in exchange for leaving their data, they receive an offer to download which is of interest to them. A simple action but its complexity is based on how we are going to attract the target audience to our destination, using the Inbound Marketing methodology.

You must first consider important elements before making your tour because these pages must be clear, concise, well designed and that they attract the attention of your potential leads.

So then, you should consider design and information aspects, it is necessary that you ask the necessary questions and consider the path of your buyer person in which he is, likewise you will be able to recognize what type of downloadable is more attractive to him and thus you can collect efficiently your data

Here we leave you the visual structure of a landing page with a correct visualization, its layout, hierarchy and blocks of information necessary for you to make your landing page the best possible. Get it and you can make your landing pages like an expert.


Focused on collecting the necessary information from users to generate traffic and build your brand.

  1. LOGO * Without navigation menu

    Give dominance to the logo as a way to further position your brand without the navigation menu so that your prospect focuses on the offer and is not distracted by other navigation alternatives.


    Use activating verbs that encourage the download action of our offer. This must attract attention.


    Within good practices, it is recommended that people see what they are going to obtain from our offer proposal.


    Logo, image, attractive title, slogan or reason of your page, benefit 1, benefit 2, name, businees email, last name, CTA, featured feature 1, featured feature 2, featured feature 3.


    Explain one by one what are the benefits of what you are offering. Remember that we must explain well to the prospect that you are going to get.


No butcher would say that their meat is bad, put 3 characteristics that highlight the most important of your product, add a visual icon to exemplify.




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