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Benefits of Inbound Marketing in social networks

4 min read

Benefits of Inbound Marketing in social networks

Today, we all have access to social networks, these digital platforms allow us to be connected with other people and even form large communities with common interests. Today, each user uses their social profile according to their needs, such as: fun, work, economic exchanges, maintaining contact with family, businesses, among others.

On the other hand, it is valid to mention that not all people who have a relationship in the social network necessarily know each other, the same happens with brands, since through this channel great links are created between virtual communities and that is how the need for Brands stay and innovate within these platforms.

With the evolution that social networks have been having, the number of active users has multiplied notably worldwide. According to a study conducted by The Global State of Digital in 2019, an estimated 3.484 billion people use social media, representing 45% of the world's population. In addition, this confirms that consumer behaviors have been changing over time, as has the preference of the devices with which they enter their profiles.

  1. What are social networks for?
  2. Benefits of social networks for the implementation of the Inbound methodology.
  3. Inbound Marketing Strategies in Social Networks.

    Inbound Marketing Strategies in Social Networks.

    1. What are social networks for?

For brands, social networks have more advantages than they know. These platforms not only help the brand to be visible and easily found, but it is also a new customer service channel, among other advantages integrated into the Inbound Marketing methodology that we will mention below:

  • Help create brand image

That your brand has a presence in social networks is something basic and many times the complement of the website is not enough, since they do not have a strategy.

As an organic strategy, Inbound Marketing is characterized by attracting prospects through social networks, these are essential for sharing blog posts or delivering quality content. Which helps these prospects head to the website and guide them through the sales funnel, as well as positioning themselves to the audience as a leading brand of industry knowledge, creating relationships of trust and credibility.

  • Attract customers

Part of the Inbound methodology is to attract prospects with valuable information, of their interest and not be intrusive. This information is evaluated through the buyer persona identified for each prospect, which makes the brand's relationship with the user much more friendly and lasting. You can learn more about: Buyer persona: the key factor in your marketing and sales strategy.

It is for this reason that the purchase decision becomes a user experience through a process in which the prospect feels completely comfortable.


  • Improve your positioning in Google

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for its acronym in English, consists of applying strategies to optimize the search of a website by the search engine, organically improving its position in search engines, which is part of an Inbound strategy. The main objective of this optimization is to make your website appear among the first search results, in order to attract visitors and generate a conversion. This is possible thanks to the Inbound strategy creating a long-term qualified traffic channel. Which means that once prospects enter the website, other types of strategies can be used to convert them into leads.

2. Benefits of social networks for the implementation of the Inbound methodology

Inbound Marketing has positioned itself as an effective way to respond and follow up on the needs of prospects on social networks, improving the experience of each visit, generating traffic to your company's website, as part of the Inbound strategy. This strategy manifests itself in a very different way online than the techniques used so far by traditional marketing, because it is based on a friendly and non-intrusive concept of content.

Part of the Inbound methodology, the contents are created in a blog as the main tactic, from which a series of techniques are implemented, such as: campaigns on social networks, email marketing, conversion of users into leads, qualification and classification of potential customers, search engine optimization among others.

Inbound Marketing is based on attracting the prospect to the website, blog or e-commerce through content with great value for the prospect. Unlike other marketing techniques, it manages to make the user fall in love, attract him organically and without forcing a purchase.

Inbound Marketing and social networks have a close relationship, and that is why they must walk together under the same strategy. The combination of an Inbound Marketing methodology and social networks allows you to create conversations that build lasting relationships. Next, we will mention some alignments to integrate Inbound Marketing in social networks:

  • To attract, it is advisable to include much more than commercial information about your brand and that prospects can find the content at any time.
  • In the process of converting, it is important to integrate links to landing pages and answer the questions or needs of the audience.
  • To close it is necessary to follow up on each comment, inbox, tweet, etc. And analyze results for better optimization.
  • Finally, to captivate or retain, it is best to ratify your decision, provide recommendations, offer promotions, etc.

3. Inbound Marketing Strategies in Social Networks.

After knowing what social networks are for and their benefits with the implementation of an Inbound strategy, it is important to know what are the strategies that make these two tools complement each other.

For a Marketing strategy in social networks to be successful, it is important to consider the following aspects: define and keep the objectives clear, generate effective content and that the messages reach the right audience. Each social network has its own dynamics, which directly impacts the frequency of publication and the strategy that you must follow so that your messages are seen by your audience.

The social network with the greatest impact for your business may vary depending on your buyer persona, since this will be the one that searches for your content, so one of the first steps of a social media strategy is to identify your Buyer Persona. Read about: How to define your buyer persona in 11 steps.

That said, it is necessary to understand each social network to know what type of content generates great impact. The following are the most used platforms for the Inbound methodology:

  • Facebook: This platform par excellence has a greater audience reach, as well as better filters for more accurate segmentation. However, it offers a nice organic way to get leads, drawing them through content or blogs, to the website. On the other hand, it is a way of generating interaction campaigns, in which our database is created.

The database organizes contacts so that you can create relationships in a more useful and humane way. 

  • Twitter: It has great segmentation possibilities offered by paid advertising applied to different platforms, this network maintains the security of reaching our buyer personas. When we use Twitter Ads, we can not only reach a higher qualification of users, our results will also be 100% measurable.
  • Instagram: A strategy used in this social network is that you can take advantage of the fact that not all content has to be exclusively yours. That is, you can share in your account content that your audience already shares, or content that is within the main hashtags in which you are interested. This allows you to have a much greater consistency within your Instagram account.

In conclusion, social networks have a series of advantages or benefits, which with a good management and implementation of strategies and the Inbound methodology as a pillar, since it has made people and large brands want to learn more about them. You can also read about: 5 things you should know about Marketing.

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