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Integration of social networks to eCommerce

3 min read

Integration of social networks to eCommerce

The great boom that social networks has reached is incredible, but even more so the integration of social networks with electronic commerce. This has allowed for much more user interaction with the brand. This type of business is the future of physical stores, since people prefer to first find the products according to their needs, then visualize the product and have extensive information about its benefits, from there, make a purchase decision. Related ArticleHow much do you really know about thpeople who buy from your business? 

Table of contents: 

  • What is Social Commerce? 
  • Advantages of Social Commerce 
  • Effective integration of social networks in electronic commerce 

What is Social Commerce? 

This term refers to the integration of social networks to the What is electronic commerce? or online storeThis means that it is a strategy that has emerged from the implementation of both platforms as a sales method to obtain information from users and provide them with advice on the product or service offered by your brand. 

This form of commerce, in addition to improving the user experience, has become the solution for the monetization of online marketing and ROI, which arises from social media platforms, in addition to the sale of products and services, of course. Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube and Twitter are some of the social networks that have marked this new trend in online business. 

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Advantages of Social Commerce 

Today, social media platforms are vital for brands, as they play a role in purchasing decisions and this is how sales are boosted with the integration of our electronic commerce. 

This integration process has great benefits for brands and users, some of these advantages are:  

  • It is a means that increases the user's commitment to the brand in the long term, this allows to maintain better customer service through comments, doubts, suggestions, among others. 
  • It allows brands to create content through social media and thus have different channels for the user to make the purchase. 
  • It allows the visualization of products and services spontaneously. 
  • Generates greater trust for users. 
  • Through social networks, the brand manages to increase the views of the products. 
  • Boost traffic and improve conversion rates. 
  • It works so that users know the brand, although it does not always generate a purchase. 


Effective integration of social networks in e-commerce 

 Although we know that social media platforms have implemented the placement of buttons for redirection to the website, strategies, content generation, calls to action, among other efforts that are part of their integration. However, there are other more innovative tactics that allow these types of integrations to be used, although they are not always organic like blog posts and traditions. Here are some tools that help make these integrations more effective: 

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  • Session logins 

The pages that offer this functionality offer the user the possibility of entering through their social network data, which allows them to obtain a positive experience when using the website. This means that the next time the user enters your website it will be easier for them to enter and stay on it, which means less time invested and fewer conversion steps. 

Likewise, when the user decides to share their review of your products or services, it is more likely to be done through social networks. Indeed, that users have this type of access is an effective way of knowing their wishes and needs. 

  • Share buttons 

This type of integration is easy to apply on these platforms, it is a way to expose the e-commerce site to potential customers when other users share the content, which makes it basically accessible to the entire network. 

This functionality works best for sharing product-specific pages, landing pages, blog posts, pop-ups, and email campaigns. Then implement the creation of these buttons for best results, making sure they are in attractive places. 

  • Reviews and testimonials 

The integration of social networks with electronic commerce has the advantage that through a platform it attracts the user's attention and vice versa. That is, by means of a reference that the user may have seen in a social network, it sent him to visit the web. This is how the information and interaction found on social networks play a crucial role. 

The photographs uploaded to these social platforms have a testimonial role among users, for example: one of my friends on Facebook published a photo of his new tennis shoes with the brand very visible, which makes other of his friends enter the website of that brand to view their products. It is an effective way to inspire and engage users about your brand and your products without having to say a single word. 


In conclusion, the integrations between platforms allow the increase of possibilities from different points of view for your business, and it is that, with the knowledge of the main electronic commerce platforms such as: Magento, it has modules so that these integrations are simpler, you can start to profit from online shopping and marketing. 



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