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Guide on how to export/import products in Adobe Commerce

2 min read

Guide on how to export/import products in Adobe Commerce

Many times it can be inconvenient and time-consuming to manually add a large number of products to a Magento installation.

For this reason, Magento has a built-in feature that automates the product entry. In this guide, we will go through all the step-by-step instructions to properly import your products into a Magento instance.


1. Go to the left sidebar, select System > Data Transfer > Export.
The export configuration will be displayed.

2. In the Entity Type option, select the Products option.

3. A table with different options will be displayed. All of these can serve as filters if you want to make your list as precise as possible. For this example, we will only use the Category ID filter. It should look like this:

exportación_Adobe Commerce

4. Scroll down to the bottom of the table, and you will see a gray button that says Continue. Click on it, and the page will reload, closing the filters table and displaying a message at the top that your request is in the queue.

>>Introduction to Adobe Commerce Coupons<<

5. Below the table, you will see the files you have generated for export. Sometimes the file will appear immediately when the page reloads. If it doesn't, wait for about 2 minutes and refresh the page.

export documents_Adobe Commerce

6. To download the file, click on the blue Select option on the right side of the table. Two options will be displayed: Download and Delete. Select Download.

Export settings_Adobe Commerce

At this point, you have downloaded your file in .CSV format. If you want to open and view the file's contents, you can use various platforms. However, we recommend using either OpenOffice or Google Sheets. This is because they maintain the file's formatting, which may cause issues in Excel depending on the version.

Another recommendation is to remove any blank lines at the beginning of your file. This will prevent any issues during the import process.


1. Go to the left sidebar, select System > Data Transfer > Import.

2. The import configuration will be displayed. In the Entity Type option, select the Products option.

>>Uploading Products to Adobe Commerce>>

3. Different options will be displayed, but the only one we are interested in is Import Behavior, which determines what we want to do with the imported products. In our case, it would be Add/Update to add or update the products. You can leave the other values the same.

Import_Adobe Commerce

4. Click on the gray button next to Select File to Import and select the previously downloaded .CSV file.

5. Click on the orange button at the top right to validate the file information. It should look like this:

import settings_Adobe Commerce

6. To finalize the product import in Magento, simply click on the corresponding button, which is gray and says "Import". This will start importing all the products along with the necessary information. Once the process is complete, you will receive a confirmation message that the import was successful. In case of an error, the message will indicate the error and the line number that caused it.

>>Guide to create CMS Blocks in Adobe Commerce<<

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