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3 min read

Uploading Products to Adobe Commerce

3 min read

Uploading Products to Adobe Commerce

Adobe Commerce is an e-commerce platform with a large and complete number of functionalities, among them is catalog and inventory management, where a product database is established and controlled, each with its respective attributes, such as: weight , price, quantity in inventory and many more. A great advantage of Adobe Commerce over other e-Commerce is the level of product configuration, since these can have a practically unlimited number of custom attributes, in addition the products can be configured as physical, digital, simple, grouped and much more.

Uploading products to an e-commerce is a relatively easy task if done the right way. Remember to consider the possible variables, such as categories, product attributes, images, among others.

Learn how to upload products in Adobe Commerce thanks to these practical ways to do it:


Manual loading:

If your e-commerce has few products, such as 30 or less, possibly the easiest way to upload them to the store is with manual upload. For this, you must enter the administration panel, or back office. Then you must enter the Catalog menu and the products section.

Loading products_Adobe Commerce

New product


After pressing the Add Product button, enter all the product data, and press Save.


This is the easiest way to upload a product, however, it becomes impractical if the quantity of products is considerably large (for example, greater than 30). When this happens, it is recommended to use Magento's automatic data import tool, which allows you to load products, and all their attributes and images simultaneously.

To access the import tool, you must enter the administration panel, then the side menu and the "System" option. From there you enter the “import” option and select “Products”.


Import_Adobe Commerce











The most critical part of loading products is the .csv (comma separated values) file, which contains all the information for each product in table format. Below is a short guide on how to build this file correctly.


  • Create a .csv file in UTF-8 format.
  • Enter the required attributes (and any additional allowed ones) as column headings: SKU, Attribute Set, Product Type, Product Websites, Weight, Product Online, Tax Class, Name, Price, Quantity.
  • Add all the additional attributes you want; you can see a sample file by pressing “download sample file” on the import page.
  • The images must go with the name of image including its extension (jpg, png, svg, etc.), And they must be placed on the server, in the var/ import/ images folder.
  • Avoid the use of accents and the “ñ” in the names of the images and the url of the product.


What do Adobe Commerce attributes mean?

Each product can have an unlimited number of attributes, such as: color, shape, size and weight, however, some attributes allow Adobe Commerce to store, sort and classify your product, these mandatory attributes are:

SKU: Refers to the unique code that identifies your product.

Attribute Set: its default value is “Default” and refers to the name of the set of attributes that the product has.

Product Type: the type of product, it can be a simple product (which consists of nothing more than itself), a complex product (which can have several versions or sub-products), or a grouped product (which is a set of products which are often bundled together for a promotion or customer convenience).

Product Websites: its default value is "base” and refers to the web pages to which the product belongs. This is useful when the store exists on multiple pages, such as an international and a local one.

Weight: the weight of the product, it is important to fill in this field if you are going to use a shipping service, as they usually require this attribute.

Product Online: defines if the product will be accessible from the store (1 is yes, 0 is no).

Tax Class: the class of taxes that apply to the product, its default value is "Taxable Goods".

Name: product name.

Price: sale price of the product.

Quantity: quantity in inventory of the product.

You loaded your products, but you cannot find them in the store, what happened?

In Adobe Commerce, after adding a product, it is sometimes necessary to clear the cache and reindex the database, which can be done from the back-office menu, entering the system, and managing the cache and indexes.

Perhaps all the factors that must be taken into consideration when uploading products can be overwhelming at first, however Imagineer will make it easier for you to upload products to your Adobe Commerce, as can be confirmed by the many testimonials that have managed to upload your products thanks to Imagineer training and the ease of use of Adobe Commerce.



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