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8 ways to increase your website conversion rate

4 min read

8 ways to increase your website conversion rate

One of the most important things to consider when implementing marketing strategies and methodologies is the conversion rate obtained according to the efforts and channels used.

Conversion rate is a metric that indicates the percentage of users that end up making a conversion on the website or in the application of some specific campaign; not always a conversion refers to a sale; it can apply to:

  • A reservation.
  • Downloading content.
  • Fill out a form.
  • Registering on the web.

For example, 2000 users register or log in on a website, and 20 buy a product. In this case, the conversion rate is 1%. Or in the same way, 1% of the visits end up buying.

Let's see eight techniques to improve the conversion rate:

1. Creation of web forms

One of the main reasons a potential customer abandons a purchase is the existence of forms that are too complicated or too long and take too much time to complete. They don't like to waste time filling out information that may seem unnecessary at the time.

A good form should have at least 5 to 6 spaces to fill in and usually consist of:

  • Name and surname
  • E-mail address
  • Phone
  • Address
  • Payment method

These aspects will depend on whether we see it for a check-out form, to manage the purchase on the website, or if they are data only to capture information from a lead to which you want to follow up and feed with relevant content to encourage a purchase.

2.  Create attractive calls to action

When you write for others, and you want them to continue reading and downloading content, it is necessary to include buttons, links to other blogs, and downloadables. It is about having CTAs or calls to action in the blogs that are published, in titles or subtitles, to become more attractive and interactive and thus generate more interest, traffic to the website, and followers, which can lead to developing prospects and customers.

3. Use scarcity marketing

It consists of using the "fear" of users to lose the opportunity to purchase the product or service. The most common example is the classic promotions or sales that have a time limit because it generates fear of not being able to buy it due to the low inventory shown.

It is essential to show the available amount; many companies use this strategy, including large companies such as Amazon; let's see the following example:

scarcity marketing _ Imagineer


4.    Create a sense of urgency for the user

Psychology plays a significant role in generating conversions and getting visitors to complete a purchase; the sense of urgency is a feeling that the user experiences when they need to buy a product or service as soon as possible. It is essential to highlight the time in which the offer will expire. The following example shows how Amazon highlights the time regressively, allowing the user to buy the product before the time runs out.


Imagineer_Marketing de escazes


5.    Do A/B Testing

You can convert a visitor into a lead, qualified lead, or buyer with a good landing page. This technique is about creating two versions of the web page to measure the degree of interest of the users and which one could generate better interaction. Can make changes at the level of: 

  • The visual elements
  • The content
  • Page design
  • Value proposition

Even if minimal, these variations can help identify the target audience, their content, and how they buy.

6.    Generate trust

A web page must generate confidence in the users to know that their information is safe. Suppose visitors realize that it has security certificates, that there are no errors in any of its sections, and that it has a transparent privacy notice on handling their sensitive information. In that case, it will be easier for the journey through the page to be more fluid and lasting. It can even convert a lead and make it become a consumer. It is also essential that if the customer is not satisfied with the product, or for one reason or another, they must manage a return; work on a good policy of changes and returns. It is not too complex for customers.

7.    Open a direct communication

A live chat can be the big difference between resolving the last doubt before choosing "buy" and abandoning the site. Many visitors know the advantages of shopping online (no time restrictions, no need to leave home, no cash to spend, Etc.), but some miss the direct contact with an expert to help them make a decision.

  • 24h customer service: Agents must be practical and available without complications. The consumer is not willing to wait 15 minutes on the phone or 1 hour for you to answer the email he has sent.
  • The chat will allow being in contact without being invasive with the visitor and will accelerate the process of negotiation and attention. Or even the chatbot, a robot that is always available and automatically responds to your customers' most frequently asked questions.

8.    Make use of Retargeting and Remarketing

Likely, users will not make a purchase the first, second, or third time they visit the site. However, they may return, and that is when it is convenient to let them know that they are known and that you have a special message for them. Either through an advertisement, they can see it on another site, on their social networks, or the home page.

There are some methods to optimize your conversion rate. When you get to work and learn from visitors, demonstrate with their behavior and, above all, with efficient measurements.

Read also: Value Proposition Canvas: A Gift for Success.

For example, sending an email to those users who have viewed products on the web or segmenting ads on Google showing products that users have previously viewed are forms of remarketing. With a well-defined strategy, this works well and can achieve incredible results and increase the conversion rate, making potential customers who have abandoned the web reconsider their decision and buy.

An excellent example, in this case, is the abandoned cart email. The customer is sent a reminder of the products in their cart. They offered them an easy way to resume their purchase, which could even accompany discount coupons or promotional codes.

Read also: 4 factors to achieve a better sales conversion in your eCommerce

Conversion rate is one of the most important metrics to consider and may not be very easy to improve. However, applying a combination of techniques (adapted to your business) could make a significant difference.

I hope these points help you know a little more about the importance of your website and how to generate more conversions on the site. Imagineer has expert consultants on this subject who are ready to advise you.

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