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Hotel management in the new normal

2 min read

Hotel management in the new normal

Hospitality is perhaps one of the industries that was most affected by the pandemic, since people stopped traveling and the borders of most countries were closed, which, together with the restrictions that stopped domestic tourism, led to a zero occupation for several months, now in recent weeks the activity is beginning to resume, under a new reality where strict protocols are applied that mainly seek to help maintain social distancing.  

Before continuing, I must say that after working more than 14 years in the hospitality industry, I can properly state that one of the great challenges this industry faces is the little technological development that exists within organizations to facilitate the operation of their properties, it is clear that they all have a system for managing reservations for rooms, spas, among others, however there is a lack of connectivity between the different "systems" and above all access to data that allows them to know their customers and that this allows them to improve their experiences.  

Likewise, in hospitality, another big problem faced by most properties, regardless of their size or budget, is that there is a total gap between IT, Sales, Reservations and Marketing; in particular because there is usually no shared participation of all these departments in decision-making for the acquisition of software and / or technology. 

Now, to the above is added the great challenge we are living today of how to achieve social distancing, which eliminates all unnecessary interaction, in order to comply with the established protocols and how technology can help us with this. 

It is clear that the hospitality industry is NOT prepared, if we take into account what we have just mentioned, there are few platforms implemented in hotels, with the aggravating factor that they are islands with each other, they do not communicate and therefore we do not have a vision 360 of customer interaction; There are also no platforms implemented that allow guests to carry out their procedures, except for email and telephone calls, again with the problem that these represent as they are not integrated, we do not have the history of the people at hand to know with whom they are interacting the hotel staff. 

But what can we do to change this reality? This is where Imagineer's value proposition with the My Vacation Experience platform may be the necessary solution to adjust the guest management strategy. 

My Vacation Experience is a platform focused on the operational efficiency of hospitality companies to generate an omnichannel approach in the management of services and assets, with a view to a better customer experience. 

As? Allowing to know more and better clients prior to their arrival, with My Vacaction you can have a profile of each of the clients and know their tastes and preferences. 

In addition, it will allow you to have all your products and services available in a single place within the reach of a click for the client, in addition, by knowing your clients better, you will be able to cross-sell by offering what suits their tastes and preferences. 

Some of the features are: 

  • Manage reservations in one place 
  • Rates, inventory and availability 
  • 3rd party sales management (tours, spa, others) 
  • Sell online (online reservations) 
  • Planning of daily operational management (reports with the daily daily report) 
  • Reports (historical) 
  • Service Management: 
  • Tours 
  • Activities 
  • Reservation services 
  • Order management 
  • Events 
  • Additional services 
  • Restaurants 

Its clear that hotels have a great challenge at the moment since they hardly have tools for operational management and even more platforms connected to each other, it is clear that the vast majority will have some tool for reservation management, however, as We mentioned before, they do not talk to each other, which represents a great challenge because it depends on human management. The advantage of My Vacation Experience is that it will allow you to manage a large part of the operation from a single tool, improving the efficiency of the operation and for its part, it gives the guest an advantage to manage their experience, with the advantage that it helps reduce interaction with people and therefore maintain social distancing, something so important in this new reality, which will reinforce sanitary measures on the property. 

We invite you to request a presentation of the platform, for which you can complete the form available below. 



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