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8 actions that you can implement in your company this year.

2 min read

8 actions that you can implement in your company this year.

A new year has started. You have wondered what your resolutions are for this year? Research has found that companies that make resolutions are 10 times more likely to achieve their goals than companies that don't explicitly make resolutions. However, as you know, it is not so easy to maintain the determination of the team since day to day brings us unforeseen events that we must solve. Help your team focus and have the determination to reach those goals that they set together. 

Do not be discouraged if last year was not what was expected, sometimes, all the purposes established during the previous year are not fulfilled, but that should not be an impediment to fulfilling them this year, therefore, it must be clear that, if you want, you can. Here are 8 actions that you can implement in your company this year. 

1. Plan your actions

Good organization of your actions will help both you and your workers to be more effective and avoid mistakes. 


2. Know your why

For a resolution to be sustained, it must be aligned with the overall objectives of the company. What good is creating a strategy or goal that doesn't help the whole team. So, ask yourself, why are you taking this action? 


3.Delegate tasks

The time will always come when we must delegate tasks, we must not be afraid to do so, but we must think carefully about who you are going to delegate them to. Trust that person and take the opportunity to focus on those other tasks that your business demands so much of you. The important thing is to focus on growing the company. 

4. Be realistic

Know the strengths and weaknesses of the company and its employees. Research and conduct a great study on how to improve your strengths and minimize the weaknesses of your company, in this way you can achieve your objectives.

5. Build your objectives and be clear about them

Do not leave your objectives only on paper, an idea is not going to get us anywhere if it is not executed.We invite you to use theSMART methodology to build efficient goals. 

6. More is not always better

Don't pick 10 goals for this coming year, pick three or four that you can commit to and really work on as a team.

7. Involve the wholeteam

List your goaltogether with the whole team, this will help you find a common goal, the support group is always an important motivating factor to achieve success in what you set out to do. 

8. Innovate

Innovation will turn ideas into opportunities, so the time has come to identify areas for improvement in both processes and products, invite your collaborators to develop ideas that improve the operation of the company from customer service, sales and marketing. 

We recommend that you gather the team and think together what can be done to improve and achieve a better functioning in the company. Setting objectives, challenges and goals is something that all organizations should consider, but despite starting the new year with several set purposes, it is common that over the weeks that motivation is lost. Don't let time bury these initiatives and lead your company to success. 



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