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5 tricks of UX design to improve your website

3 min read

5 tricks of UX design to improve your website

The website is the most important digital asset that a company has, because it is ours and we have control of what happens with it, other platforms such as social networks could close at any time and we would lose our account as well as all the information that is in them, that is why it is important that all the efforts we make in digital marketing are redirected to the website, which must be optimized to provide our clients with a better user experience. 

That experience that your page provides will largely determine whether potential customers will contact you or buy. Having an easy-to-use and attractive website will increase the time they will be on it and with it the possibility of generating conversions. And if, on the contrary, the experience is unpleasant, they will leave the site and most likely will not return. 

So, improving the UX of your web platform is essential to generate digital conversions. Here are five tricks to apply to your website and improve it:

1. Tailor your website to your target audience: 

We cannot give our clients a good experience with our website if we do not know who they are, so the first thing you should do is identify and define the profile of your buyer persona, and then adapt your design to him or them. 

Use the information you have to adapt the message, the way you transmit it, the typography, the size of the elements, among other things that you have on your website, since it is not the same to address a young audience, than a man of business. Getting the user to feel identified and comfortable with your company's website will increase the chances that they will convert. 


2. Take care of the scroll of your site 

Technology has made everything move very fast, because of this people expect immediacy when surfing the internet, so if at first, they do not find what they want or do not get the message, they leave the site. That is why it is appropriate to show the most important information first hand. 

That does not mean that we cannot use the scroll, only that we must do it with measure and adapting the content blocks to the size of the screen and of course going from the most relevant to the least relevant. 

Now, the scroll is not bad, it can also help us with some points, such as the loading time of the page, in addition, many applications have already accustomed users to consume content by scrolling so it gives the possibility of taking advantage a little more this resource. Just remember to do it without overdoing it. 


3. Accessible and clear navigation menu 

This is the main means by which the user will start browsing your website, so itimportant to analyze if it is effective, some general points that you should consider within your menu are: 

  • Define which are the most important pages of your website and put them in the main menu. 
  • Use submenus to place the secondary pages, but do not saturate the options so that it does not generate confusion in the navigation 
  • Menu options should be limited and clearly named so that the person knows what kind of information can be found there. 
  • Give the user feedback on when they select an option in the menu or when they are inside a section so that they feel located within the site. You can underline the menu option, change its color, etc. 
  • The menu must be accessible to the user, a good practice is to use a static menu, which means that, even if the menu is scrolled, it is fixed at the top throughout the page. According to experts, this type of menu pleases people more because it makes them invest less time and effort. 


4. Take care of the mobile experience 

Many users reach websites through mobile devices, which has made responsive design an obligation and not an option. We don't want to lose visitors to our website just because we don't have a well-optimized mobile design. 

A responsive design will help the visibility of your website and improve SEO, so controlling every moment of customer interaction with your site, both on desktop and mobile, is of the utmost importance to always give your visitors the best experience. 


5. Make the contact accessible and relevant

A very common mistake is to leave the means of contact on our website, such as forms, buttons that take us to a "contact us" section or to purchase a product or service, among others, until the end of the page or in areas where it is not take a lot of relevance. 

And why is this a serious mistake? The answer is simple, these means of contact are one of the main points where conversions are generated. Imagine the following case, a person comes to our site and is really interested in obtaining more information and communicating with us, but does not quickly find how to contact us, what will happen is that they will leave and we will lose conversions. 

Giving people the ability to contact us at any time while browsing the page will help us improve your user experience and will also increase conversions. 

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Applying UX design to your website not only helps your customer’s experienceimprove, but it will increase your conversions, your positioning and lead your company to grow in the digital world. UX design has much more to discover, but with these 5 tricks you can have a first approach, I hope they help you optimize your website and improve the experience of your users.



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