6 Key Integrations in your eCommerce
In a reality as technological as the one we are living in, the level of automation and efficiency that can be achieved in an eCommerce depends on...
You decided to open an online store and had your first experiences with this strategy, but do you feel that you have fallen short of the expectation you had? It is very common to reach customers who feel stuck in their online sales strategies since they fail to increase sales. They have often tried many tactics with some success, but their expectations are not met. Suddenly, they may think that their stores don't work and they don't understand what they’re failing.
Does it sound familiar to you? I want to share with you 3 reasons why sales do not grow in e-commerce, and if you identify with any, don’t worry, you are not the only one going through this, besides, I have good news: everything has a solution! When you have finished reading this blog, you will be able to identify the reasons that apply to you and you can work on a solution.
REASON # 1: There’s a lack of methodology to generate sales opportunities constantly and increasingly.
I have met clients who thought that the only thing to do in e-commerce is to have a good design, a catalog of products with prices, a shopping cart and that when publishing it, it will sell by itself: error! Nowadays, nobody likes to buy only.
When your online store visits have no additional reason to navigate your site or return, even if they have nothing to buy, they are very likely to lose interest and forget about you. You must understand that there are stages in every purchasing process, which you must analyze according to your type of customer and from that, generate your strategy.
When you do not plan campaigns, promotions or generation of digital content that allows you to add additional value to your visits on the web, taking into account the stages, your visits may fail to stay. Constant content creation is a powerful tool to build relationships with your customers, which is key if you want them to be loyal and recurring.
REASON # 2: The platform falls short of functions and integrations
You can have the best marketing ideas to generate opportunities, but you may have trouble implementing them because:
Additionally, it is likely that you have not contemplated some important integrations that facilitate the automation of key processes, such as:
If you identify with this, you may need a more robust platform to help you improve the reach, response, and follow-up of visits automatically which can generate opportunities and sales at all hours.
REASON # 3: Lack of indicators to measure the performance of your e-commerce
Has it happened to you that you are frustrated because you generate strategies, invest in advertising, but do not know if you are generating sales? Return on investment (ROI) is a vital issue for any entrepreneur: what is not measured is not controlled. From the beginning of your eCommerce project, it is important to define what your objectives are and how they support your company’s growth goals. Establish metrics and indicators that will let you know if your strategies work; this is what helps you make timely decisions at the right time. Some of these indicators are:
Generating this information and taking the time to review it periodically will let you measure the success of your campaigns, improve them, or dispose of them based on reliable information.
In a reality as technological as the one we are living in, the level of automation and efficiency that can be achieved in an eCommerce depends on...
All companies have a common denominator, the challenge of how to sell more, clearly the holy grail of any commercial strategy.
Your blog post content herHaving an online shop is no longer an option for retail businesses. COVID-19 accelerated a process that was already...