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Strategic Perspective of the B2B Model

2 min read

Strategic Perspective of the B2B Model

It is clear that a great challenge for companies is how to update their commercial especially in the times we live today.

With the passage of time, legacy structures age and become outdated, with which it is most likely that they will not be able to satisfy customers due to their limited ability to adapt to trends, as well as to the buying behavior of customers.

Here are some elements to assess about legacy solutions versus modern solutions:

Legacy Solutions

  • Home development
  • On-premise (installed in the company's own infrastructure)
  • Difficulty finding developers
  • High development costs for new functions as they must be tailored
  • Risk of downtime
  • Security issues

Modern Solutions

  • Cloud-based
  • New updates available continuously
  • Global ecosystem of developers
  • Application market
  • Complies with PCI regulations
  • They are used by the big brands globally

There may also be a technology gap, where the digital architecture that once worked in the past no longer has the ability to support the new strategy, which can lead to costly and slow development. At this point, strategically thinking about a B2B model can be a solution, especially if a modern e-commerce solution is used, which provides departments with a set of configurable technologies that can drastically improve the overall business capacity and open the doors to greater profitability of the company.

Current eCommerce platforms have the ability to reduce marketing times and processes. An advantage that current eCommerce platforms offer is that they are constantly evolving, adapting to new needs and therefore are continuously updated, which allows optimal performance at all times.

As a strategic consideration, it is just as important to know that the platform that we are going to choose has the support of a large extension market, which will allow adding new functions to the platform with less effort, which reduces costs in the long term.

Another relevant issue is to make sure that the platform offers a cloud-based infrastructure, among the benefits that this represents:

  • They are protected by the best security protocols available on the market.
  • They have a much faster implementation time.
  • They require less coordination between departments as they often include all the necessary development and implementation tools.

Upgrading provides agility to handle changing business requirements. 15 years ago, thinking about developing engaging digital experiences was not a necessary part of the strategy of most companies, today, companies are forced to react quickly to changes in market trends and the behavior of companies. People or otherwise expose themselves to the loss of their audience before those who do have that ability to adapt. With the power of a modern platform, companies achieve operational agility that will allow them to adapt to B2B and B2C audiences, transcend the markets they have traditionally served, and provide new business models.

>>How to optimize my cost structure from a B2B approach<<

Other strategic perspectives of the B2B model that we must bear in mind:

  • Global Scalability: as eCommerce becomes a common of commerce, it offers the possibility for companies to expand as much as they want, but the platform must have the necessary sturdiness to achieve it.
  • New Business Models: gaining customer loyalty forces companies with a B2B sales model to test new business models for which a greater range of advanced service offerings is required, and this is only achieved again with a sturdyplatform.
  • Multiply customer contact points: companies with a B2B model must be able to generate compelling experiences that attract customers through a wide variety of contact channels, including: mobile devices, online shopping systems, chats, social networks, Among others, here we must also consider the capabilities of the platform.

After the above, the strategic need to update the B2B model is clear in order to have agility to manage the changing requirements of the market.Upgrading the legacy model will allow your team the ability to take advantage of new technologies to work more efficiently.

Finally, the important thing is that you can evaluate your current model and compare it with a modern model. 



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