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Sales in Challenging Times: Online Sales Strategies

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Sales in Challenging Times: Online Sales Strategies

Sales strategies are fundamental to the growth and profitability of a company. In a changing environment where digital transformation constantly redefines how businesses interact with their customers, it is important to adapt to what the competition demands and evolve. In this article, I will explain what customer-focused sales strategies are, ways in which you can improve your sales strategies, recommendations, and examples, so you can see the importance of going beyond the ordinary means.

What is a sales strategy?

Sales strategies are techniques, actions, and tools that help create a strategic plan focused on improving and increasing a company's sales.

This definition, although very concise, is quite clear and indicates well the meaning of what sales strategies are. However, a sales strategy is much more than simple planning; in fact, it should involve all components of the company beyond the sales department to achieve greater effectiveness.

The involvement of your company's teams, regardless of their area, is crucial; the more involvement there is from everyone, the greater effectiveness will be achieved. 

sales strategy

Sales in the Digital Medium

Digital sales represent the ability that businesses develop to build relationships with users and consumers by leveraging digital channels, social media, online platforms, and internet strategies.

In traditional marketing, the focus is on the product, there is no personalized communication, and promotion strategies are intrusive.

On the contrary, in a constantly evolving digital environment, businesses have found new opportunities to connect with users with very different expectations. In digital marketing, communication must be personalized; the focus is on the customer. The days of static techniques are gone; today, attraction, nurturing, and retention are vital. Understanding how to navigate challenging times is what truly sets leaders apart from the crowd.

Sales Strategies

You may be wondering which strategy may work best for your type of business. It depends a lot on your business objectives, but regardless of your business model, these sales strategies can help you maximize customer lifetime value in sales and marketing:

1. Inbound

The inbound sales methodology emphasizes that modern consumers want to make informed decisions and are more receptive to companies that offer value and solutions to their specific needs. Instead of using traditional direct sales tactics, inbound sales strategies focus on creating long-term relationships and building trust with potential customers. Why does this strategy work? Because it provides a customer-centered experience and addresses their needs.


Inbound is not just a way of selling but a complete methodology that can be applied to any type of business, whether traditional or disruptive.

It consists of three stages:

1. Attract: This involves making your ideal audience aware of your company through content that aligns with their interests. Additionally, it creates easy communication channels to engage them from the very beginning.

2. Interact: This is your opportunity to understand and focus on the needs of each interested person, offering relevant and personalized solutions.

3. Delight: Once you provide a specific solution, you can turn a satisfied customer into a loyal ambassador for your brand.

2. Cross-selling

This strategy, also known as "cross-selling," involves promoting the sale of a complementary product by associating it with a main product. Its name comes from offering a product or service as a complement to the one being acquired.

In this context, a CRM becomes crucial as it allows you to record user preferences. Imagine creating a bundle of products specifically tailored for a group of users based on similar preferences. This strategy fosters a sense of belonging among people, all aimed at enhancing the customer experience.

By identifying a significant overlap between your offerings and your customers, you can present your catalog in more creative ways, without it being perceived as forced or insistent.

Cross selling

3. Additional Sales or Up-selling

This strategy involves offering the customer, at the time of purchase, a product or service of higher value than what they initially intended to acquire, tailored to their needs and with superior features.

In this approach, products or services of a higher range than the initial option are presented, offering additional functions and enhancing the buyer's expectations. Although not necessarily a discount, it becomes a purchase that is hard to resist.

The goal is to show the customer that they have more options and that, although they will have to pay more, they will receive a higher-quality product. Even though these items are intended for the same purpose, they have different features.

4. Loyalty Programs

This is one of the best sales strategies when aiming to retain recurring customers while strengthening loyalty and attracting the attention of potential new customers. The objective is to provide a sense of belonging to an exclusive group, in addition to offering benefits such as special offers or promotions.

We can observe this strategy in various types of businesses. For example, gyms located in highly competitive areas may implement loyalty programs. When customers show long-term preference for their service, they receive discounts or free amenities. This is a highly effective strategy that can be applied to almost any business to maintain customer preference and even attract new ones.


5. Email Marketing

Email marketing involves communicating through emails to a database of contacts, such as potential customers or leads. It is a great option for follow-ups, sales, and offering additional solutions to customers already in your contact list. Many companies use it as a complement to their strategies, but for some, it is a fundamental part of their sales scheme because it has proven to be effective.

  • Direct contact with customers (messages directly to the inbox)
  • Enables the construction of a highly engaged subscriber community
  • Adaptable to all types of businesses: e-commerce, physical stores, etc.
  • Easily integrates with marketing automation (e.g., you can schedule campaigns)
  • Direct channel to your target audience
  • Generates traffic on other channels, such as social media

6. Sales Strategies with Events
Events attract audiences interested in what they are participating in. They are a sales strategy that helps educate the audience and increase satisfaction by providing the information they need.
Examples of sales strategies with events:
  • Webinars
  • Online conferences
  • Trade shows
  • Conventions


7. Corporate Blog

Assuming that if you have a business, you also have a website, you should consider having a corporate blog on that website. Writing a corporate blog has numerous benefits, and in the medium term, companies with a blog often achieve more sales.

Some of the benefits of a corporate blog include:

  • Showcasing your skills and expertise.
  • Increasing visits to your website.
  • Helping to improve your brand image.
  • Sharing testimonials and success stories.
  • Collaborating with other businesses.

If you position an article for a particular keyword, it can bring in hundreds or even thousands of visits monthly—much more cost-effective than simply sharing it on social media.
Finally, I wanted to share these four factors for you to consider in your sales strategies. These are tips that will undoubtedly boost the success of your strategy:

Continuous Analysis and Improvement

Analyze the ROI of each of your actions to:
  • Discard those that provide poorer returns.
  • Continuously improve by identifying what has failed or can be enhanced in the sales funnel.

Optimize Expenses
To determine which actions will give you the highest returns, you can:
  • Use benchmarking: copying what the best do may not make you the best, but it will bring you closer to them.
  • Employ trial and error: try new ways to acquire customers and stick with the ones that offer the highest returns.

Increase Productivity
Even if you correct your actions, retain the best ones, and optimize your expenses, you can likely further optimize your productivity:
  • Utilize technology: upgrading to better and more advanced tools and machinery is crucial. Digitizing processes will help streamline operations and prevent the need to hire more labor, which can be more expensive in the medium and long term.
  • Internal marketing: internal marketing is essential in a company if you want to improve the productivity of employees (who are the most important asset).

Define Clear Objectives

Correctly determining objectives in your company is a vital part of the sales strategy because it:

  • Establishes a guide for the execution of actions.
  • Motivates and encourages staff to strive to achieve goals.
  • Evaluates the actions taken.
  • Justifies the actions of a company.

In an ever-changing business environment, adopting effective sales strategies becomes a key differentiator for growth and sustainability. The digital era has transformed how businesses connect with their customers, demanding adaptation and innovative approaches. Sales strategies encompass more than simple business tactics; they require full integration within the organization. Engagement from all teams, alignment of goals, and continuous improvement are fundamental pillars for achieving solid results.
Ultimately, the right combination of sales strategies, tailored to the specific needs and characteristics of each business, will significantly contribute to growth, customer retention, long-term profitability, and the improvement of business processes. Flexibility and a willingness to adjust these strategies based on market evolution are crucial for maintaining a competitive edge in today's business world.

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