Understanding your buyer persona: the good, the bad and the CEO
Startingyourconstruction of a buyer personais not an easy task, we are not going to deceive you, but you must always be clear about certain...
As you will remember in our blog about How much do you really know about the people who buy from your business? We explained what buyer persona are and how to identify them, but have you ever wondered, how are buyer persona really named within your business and why should we give them a name that we easily remember?
Remember, a buyer is the semi-fictitious representation of your ideal client, based on the research carried out in conjunction with the different departments of the company. So, once we have determined what the behavior, problems, stories and attitudes of these people are, we can associate them with narratives, either real life or fictional.
If you have a brand, you may want to convey feelings with it and what better way to do it with a story, but you should consider that within it there will be different actors who will play roles within it. To do this, it is necessary to delve a little into what is known as Storytelling and what the writer tries to convey when she is within the narrative. Each of the characters play a key role within it and just as this happens within the story, so you can consider it to happen within your business.
So the construction of your brand begins from the moment in which you decide to name your buyer persona, this will give you a fictitious identity to the person you are targeting and will support you in making decisions regarding change of strategies. confuse one person with another.
Each buyer persona exemplifies a character that you can easily remember within a narrative, as for example in our experience we use characters from a recognized comic book brand to exemplify each of our possible clients. For us, Nick Fury is that executive within a company with command power and in charge of decision-making, which for us is translatable into reality as the person who leads the SEO, which has to improve the ROI within your company. He studied Business Administration, has a master’s degree in finance, and is probably an Industrial Engineer. Nick is a highly respected manager at the company who makes informed decisions, reads about management trends, and has a close group of other managers. Thus, we can relate a figure of a person who makes decisions in a fictitious company with one who makes decisions in real life.
To take a television series into account for your buyer persona you should consider the following:
We leave you some of the series that you could use as buyer persona examples that can help you better focus on your buyer persona.
It is very important to emphasize that this adoption of the character should not be done 100% because not because a character is a villain in a certain series, does it mean that he will be our enemy within our strategy. It is important to select which characteristics we want our character to adopt and which we must discard so as not to create confusion.
Remember that being able to easily remember your target audience can be the differentiating key of an Inbound Marketing campaign for your company, you will also be able to discover data that you yourself did not know.
Startingyourconstruction of a buyer personais not an easy task, we are not going to deceive you, but you must always be clear about certain...
Understanding your B2B buyer persona always has to be the main element in your marketingstrategy, and knowing them thoroughly is very important...
People and archetypes are in some sense very close but they are different. In marketing terminologies tend to be confused due to the fact that the...