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Customer Experience Design and how does it benefit your business?

3 min read

Customer Experience Design and how does it benefit your business?

As we mentioned in the previous blog of Basic guide: What is Customer Experience, and how can you apply it to your business?  New ways and perspectives have emerged in which we try to understand our customers' behaviours, if years ago we looked at their buying process for products or services in a traditional way. Today, businesses have new challenges, arising from old habits in the management of their strategies, implementations, processes, campaigns and sales and service methods employed directly to the customer service experience.  

It is important to highlight that the times when we used to analyze customer satisfaction only by means of their opinions, continually returning to consume our products and services, carrying out tentative promotions among other aspects. Nowadays it is crucial to understand that it is not only about analyzing the service and how the customer reacts to it, but that it goes beyond, and that "beyond" is defined by experiencesCustomer experiences are of great importance for the future of our brand.  


  1. What is customer experience design? 
  2. How can we develop it in our business? 
  3. Which benefits it brings to our business? 

What is Customer Experience Design? 

Defining the customer experience

Customer Experience Design according to the Interaction Design Foundation of the customer experience and authors of the blog of Customer Experience DesignCustomer Experience Design is the process design teams follow to optimize the customer experience at all touch points before, during and after conversion. 

We can reflect on this fragment of Interaction Design Foundation several important aspects; that the customer experience design as part of the processes that are responsible for optimizing and automating the customer experience is a tool that well developed and focused on all the different points of contact of a business and transcendently in all the conversion periods through which the customer passes from the stages in the customer journey such as awareness, consideration and the decision process; these aspects are fundamental and extremely useful to apply strategies aimed at both B2B and B2C customers. 

How can we develop it in our business? 

Customer experience design can be applied in an omnichannel way within our business. While we used to see it as "customer satisfaction" and as a topic that was only seen by the customer service area. Today we can apply it as a strategy to integrate it into the different touch points and lifecycle areas where the customer is with us, and thus analyze which processes will be the most suitable to convert qualified prospects into customers.  

To retain customers who have already had a longer conversion process with our brand and those customers with whom it would be ideal to generate up selling or better known as additional sales to increase extra sales of our products and services with our customer, and not also forgetting the cross selling or better known as achieve sales in addition to the products and services of our portfolio that has made that customer with our brand. 

Some ways may include the following: 

  • Develop it for the different actions performed by the Buyer Personas that have been created as part of the business strategies. Buyer personas are the most relevant customers for every business. If a company manages to expand and improve the experience and strategies aimed at these ideal customers, customer experience design will undoubtedly be a perfect complement that will adapt perfectly to these buyer personas and will increase sales. 
  • Implement it in conjunction with the Customer Journey Maps model. These help the business from designing and analyzing the processes the customer goes through before, during and after every interaction they have with the brand through every channel and touchpoint. This helps the company to understand each area of friction or improvement in the customer experience, and this makes it easier to implement new ideas, tools, and themes into customer experience design and future strategies. 

What are the benefits for our business? 

Customer Experience

As we have been able to analyze above, the model of a customer experience design strategy is extremely useful to improve our customers experiences. Not only their experiences itself, but it also adds value to our sales proposals, services, marketing and most importantly, our products and the relevance they have for our customers lives. So, to recap, some of the most important benefits that customer experience design brings us are: 

  • Recognizing errors or areas for improvement in the experience of our ideal customers or buyer personas. 
  • The discovery of new processes to be considered when creating new campaigns, executing sales methods, service among other channels through which the customer has a high interaction with our brand within the customer journey and the customer journey map. 
  • The application of customer experience design as an additional strategy in up selling and cross-selling processes with our customers. And how businesses can apply it in an omnichannel way within their different sales processes, channels, and touchpoints the customer, prospects and leads go through. 


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