Make your Buyer Persona memorable for your team
As you will remember in our blog about How much do you really know about the people who buy from your business? We explained what buyer persona are...
Understanding your B2B buyer persona always has to be the main element in your marketing strategy, and knowing them thoroughly is very important because each one is unique in each business.
You will need to consider the following aspects if you want to find your ideal B2B buyer person:
You should also take into consideration that you will not always have first-hand all the information necessary to create your B2B persona, therefore it is very likely that you will have to do a little research on the market where you want to enter.
Within your research you should consider which are the best communication channels for companies, which are the warm entry points for them, the multiplicity of channels will allow you to get closer to them, however, do not lose sight of your objective. Remember that you can enter an organization through multiple threads.
Some of the tactics you can try are:
A trick that you should know is that although it is true you do not know everything about your buyer person, you can find out through one of the most important social networks of business commerce: LinkedIn. What you must do is look for the company you profiled as your possible target audience and find who are the responsible people in charge of it. There you will be able to find out who these people follow, what degree of studies they have, where they live, what professional career they have had and with whom they relate or associate within the same organizations.
It should be noted that you must be very assertive in the search for these people because not only do you have to be able to profile your company very well, but you also have to choose carefully who are the people who lead them considering the position they have within the organizations.
So consider all the communication channels that you feel convenient to consult before creating your B2B buyer persona, remember that this does not always match your perceptions or your knowledge gaps about their interests, so it is best that you investigate thoroughly to learn more. of your ideal people and be able to generate more qualified leads for your sales team.
As you will remember in our blog about How much do you really know about the people who buy from your business? We explained what buyer persona are...
A Buyer Persona is a semi-fictional representation of an ideal customer used to understand customer needs, desires, and behaviors. Used well, it...
Startingyourconstruction of a buyer personais not an easy task, we are not going to deceive you, but you must always be clear about certain...