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Automate your business processes by department with HubSpot

6 min read

Automate your business processes by department with HubSpot

Handling a company's day-to-day activities and managing customer enquiries is often complicated by the sheer number of processes and actions we perform. Of all these processes and management areas, have you wondered how many of these processes are automated and how my marketing, sales and service departments could streamline the execution of customer management activities and processes in a more agile and efficient way?

It is at this point that the answer begins with understanding how well our company has adapted to a digital transformation. Once we have defined this process, we will be able to size both the processes that need to be automated within each department and the benefits that these will give us when coupled with these management activities in both the internal (of our work team) and external (with our customers) experience.

As a demonstration in this case study of automations by department, we are going to guide you through HubSpot and each of its modules for managing both customer requests and internal processes. This CRM is known worldwide for its adaptation of inbound marketing strategies and this makes it a tool programmed to improve the customer experience and your teams.

In this blog you can read about:

  • HubSpot modules.
  • Business Process Automations by department.

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HubSpot modules

In case your company is not familiar with HubSpot. This tool is a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) that manages the relationship between companies and their customers. In addition to being a platform that manages this relationship, it also plays a role in the creation, analysis and execution of strategic and technological processes that support all areas and control processes of your company.

In the case of HubSpot in particular, depending on the partner or customer status you have with this cloud CRM, the modules that are available may vary but the most standard ones for all licences are: contacts, conversations, marketing, sales, service and reporting.

team smiling

Business process automations by department

Each one within HubSpot's Omnichannel feature has a fundamental role that together manages to optimise the performance of each of your company's departments. Here are their most important features:


Regarding the contacts module, it has 5 management tools. This module is essential because it has the role of feeding the entire database of your company, manage the record of interactions of these contacts, its tools are:

  • Contacts: This tool is in charge of storing all your company's B2C and B2B database. Within it you can manage the registration of all the contacts and clients that your company has at its disposal.

    Within the automations, you can generate filters with which you can separate contacts according to contact properties, company, email type, industry, buyer persona and hundreds of other types of properties. 

    You will be able to organise the information of all your contacts in columns of interest, from the name, email, phone number, company (if applicable), lead score, contact owner among others that are aligned to the objectives of your company. 
  • Companies: HubSpot also has a separate database that in parallel helps you manage companies and associate customer contacts by the company or company to which each contact is associated. 

    It works in a very similar way to the previous one, you will be able to see within the contact's record, all the activities that the company and its contacts associated with your business have developed. You will be able to see and analyse all the interactions they have had with your company, the contact's owner and your team.
  • Calls: Within the record of each contact you can send emails and calls, regarding the automation of calls, this tool can store within a record, all those calls that a member of your team has made with a client.

    When generating calls you can even make call recordings and all of these will be reflected in the tool.
  • Activity Feed: This tool is in charge of automating, by means of an activity register, all the actions that your team generates with each of the clients, prospects and also controls the activities generated internally in your company. 

    This means from what it is, the sending of emails, calls, entry to mail sequences, analysis from the stage of lifecycle in which a prospect or lead is, among others.
  • Lists: Within this contacts module, by means of lists you can import new contact bases and generate active and static contacts.

    As far as active lists are concerned, these are lists that are automatically fed according to the contact nutrition rules you have set up. This opens up the possibility of being nurtured by buyer persona types, contacts generated by events, purchases generated by eCommerce, among others.

    It is extremely important to analyse and structure them in order to establish email marketing strategies.Unlike active lists, static lists are fed manually, this by means of prospecting sales activity.


This module has 4 automation tools focused on the management of communication with your prospects and even customers. 

This module, depending on the available licence, can greatly expand its tools, but in standard Starter licences it has 5 automation tools focused on the day-to-day management of the marketing department with your prospects and customers. Its tools are:

  • Inbox: In this tool, companies can manage the contact with all the prospects that enter through the different chats, chatbots, social networks, mail, forms and tickets through which they have issued a request. 
  • Chatflows: In this tool you can configure all the response and operation of the chats associated with the company's web pages and both live chats and chatbots. 
  • Snippets: The snippets serve the simple function of being able to automate content and email responses, making it an extremely useful tool. They can be created from scratch or even generate automatic snippets generated by HubSpot to meet a specific objective.
  • Templates: This tool is very similar to the snippets but has the particularity of being more sales oriented to generate that 1 to 1 contact with the customer and is extremely useful when generating email sequences if you have professional licenses with HubSpot.


Depending on the available licence, this module can greatly expand its tools, but the standard Starter licence has 5 automation tools focused on the day-to-day management of the marketing department with your prospects and customers.

  • Ads: With this tool you can manage the Ads accounts associated with your business and advertise your company's ads in a simple way without needing to use other platforms, it also has performance analysis metrics and advertising results.
  • Email: Through the mailing tool, your team will be able to create and base email marketing strategies and practices. It also includes performance metrics and results.
  • Landing pages: From this tool you can create landing pages associated with your company and even create and manage web pages with higher licenses. 
  • Files: This tool works as a document repository, both images, technical files related to the marketing area, promotions and other activities.
  • Forms: From here you can create and measure the performance of forms whether they are within landing pages, web or through links that are shared, they also work in conjunction with fragments and templates.



This module, depending on the available licence, can extend its tools, as in the case of the marketing and service module. The standard licence includes 5 automation tools focused on the day-to-day management of the sales department with your prospects and customers. 

  • Deals: This tool helps you to manage and administer all the associated business, pending and created by your sales team on a day-to-day basis.

    In HubSpot you have the availability to manage 3 types of customer sales channel approaches: corporate customer approach (B2B customer), end customer approach (B2C customer) and to be able to manage both channels through a standardised Starter license.

    In other words, your company will be able to manage and administer both B2C and B2B eCommerce through an omnichannel CRM platform.
  • Tasks: This tool is used to create and assign follow-up tasks to customers and between departments, whether they are: calls, sending emails, creating reminders and all these tasks when created will always notify the user in a previously established time of attention. 
  • Documents: As in the case of the file tool in the marketing module, this has the same function of storing documents and important information, but in this case it is more focused on sales management files such as contracts, presentation documentation and others.
  • Meetings: As part of HubSpot's many integrations, this platform allows users to synchronise their calendars, both google and outlook within their system. This in order to be useful for scheduling meetings, day to day sessions between teams and clients.
  • Quotes: Within the CRM your company will be able to generate personalised quotes for your clients, both at a corporate level as well as what could be gift cards or certificates for giveaways.


This module, depending on the available licence, can extend its tools, as in the case of the marketing and sales module. The standard licence includes an automation tool focused on the day-to-day management of the customer service department with your prospects and customers and control of tasks at the internal level of the company. 

  • Tickets: Through this tool you will be able to organise all the new requests, follow-up requests and requirements that the customers provide to the company.

    Tickets work in a similar way to businesses, as they have a channel through which each user with access can manage customer daily requests, complaints, suggestions and requirements.

    These would at the same time go through a chain of stages that exercise a control role for each new request.  Tickets can be generated by customers through forms or by making 1-to-1 contact requests and also through the same work team.

This module is available as a standard licence with an automation tool focused on the day-to-day management of the analysis of performance metrics and results, with dashboards such as graphs to measure the results of all business areas.

In addition, it helps you measure the efficiency of engagement with your prospects and customers and control performance internally in the company. This module has three important tools: 

  • Analytical tools: Here you can set up 4 objective areas for analysis and tracking of results, such as: customer behaviour events, web traffic and campaign analysis, content analytics and sales performance and, in addition to these, form performance. 
  • Dashboards: Through dashboards your business will be able to graphically dimension the visualisations of all analytical tools. You will see campaign performance, average service ticket response, sales metrics of your B2B or B2C eCommerce sales model, team performance, campaign performance and many other metrics.
  • Reports: When generating any metric of analysis of actions such as data nutrition from the panels and each of its graphs to establish monthly and annual meetings of the business objectives of your company. 
    This will help you to present the strategic projections of the goals according to the area of work of the company.

If you are interested in learning even more about HubSpot, its functions, scope and differentiators I invite you to learn a little more about its CRM in our blog: Why HubSpot is the best CRM for your company so you can familiarise yourself a little more about how it can help you and the advantages of its implementation for your business. I will also provide you with some templates that will be very useful for you: 

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