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5 ways to use CRM data for social media marketing

4 min read

5 ways to use CRM data for social media marketing

I would like to invite you to test how the integrations between a CRM and a marketing automation platform work, for this, I must first tell you what each tool is for and during the process, analyze where the need for said integration arises from. 

All this time you have had the solution in front of you, surely you have already used your current list of clients or CRM data to carry out remarketing. What is remarketing? Functioning, types and benefits and creating audiences, but why not go further with effective integration? 

All this time you have had the solution in front of you, surely you have already used your current list of clients or CRM data to remarketing and create audiences, but why not go further with effective integration? 

Table of Contents 

  • What is a CRM? 
  • Marketing automation tools 
  • Ways to use CRM data for social media marketing 

Recommended Article: Is One CRM Enough? 

What is a CRM? 

The CRM is the management of the relationships that are had with the clients, (Customer Relationship Management) by its initials in English. When we hear about CRM, it is nothing more than a tool that allows us to be more organized with the interactions that our brand maintains with each of its clients and potential clients. 

Within this tool we can have access to the management of clients, opportunities, situations, products and interactions, among others. In other words, CRM is a platform that converts your company conversations with your client, whether by email, calls or meetings, into collected data that helps improve our productivity. Read How to qualify my sales opportunities from my CRM (Lead Scoring) 

Within this tool we can have Access to the management of clients, opportunities, situations, products and interactions, among othersIn other words, CRM is a platform that converts your company conversations with your client, whether by email, calls or meetings, into collected data that helps improve our productivityReed How to qualify my sales opportunities from my CRM (Lead Scoring) 

But what exactly is CRM for? 

  1. Improves planning, since through the tool tasks can be assigned, which can be seen by the entire marketing team. In addition, it improves internal communication and helps the team stay aware of customer needs. 
  2. It makes your company's team more productive, since the large number of emails, calls and meetings is reduced. Assigning each task to the corresponding person. 
  3. Advertising is booming, due to effective monitoring and personalization, thus significantly increasing sales. 
  4. Collection of information for the creation of a Buyer Persona: Key to the success of your commercial strategy and generating new strategies 
  5. Data management for sales performance and implementation of social media campaigns. 


Marketing automation tools 

So, is the CRM tool necessary for marketing automation in my social networks? The answer is yes. 

It is at this point where the need to integrate CRM with social media marketing is generated, and it is the search for new customers. According to Data2CRM, 50% of sales teams that started using a CRM reported that they improved their productivity. 

Therefore, we must understand the functionality of the integration, basically this is caused by a trigger, call it a promotion, that a customer has filled out a form or that he has visited the website. Next, the data is sent to the platform and that is how the marketing team has access to this data to generate new strategies. 

To choose the best CRM tool for your company you must consider the following points, these are classified in the integration of the marketing automation tool (source platform) to the CRM (destination platform). 

  • You must inform yourself if the CRM brings with it any solution proposed by the manufacturer, for example, Hubspot provides an integration with Salesforce, in which you must indicate: the list of eligible contacts to integrate both platforms, in Salesforce a lead or contact must be created and finally, the properties must be defined for each of the contacts. 
  • In fact, there are also solutions recommended by the platform manufacturer. You should find out if the manufacturer indicates or recommends a specific tool for managing the integration, even if it is not developed by themselves. For example, HubSpot has a section: HubSpot App Marketplace where it lists all the apps for integrations supported by your CRM. 
  • If none of the above options work for us, there is a third solution and that is to carry out a custom integration. For this solution, the costs that this entails must be considered, assessing the time and cost for its development. In addition to its cost and maintenance time, not to mention other setbacks. This is an integration that can be done internally in the company or with an external contract. 


Ways to use CRM data for social media marketing 

Do you know your clients? Time to find more like them. That is, you must create your buyer persona, a three-steguide to build your buyer persona, This semi-fictitious representation is based on real data such as behavior, motivations, objectives, among other things of your potential customers. So, as I have mentioned previously, these data that are entered through social networks through forms or other interactions, are what we can observe in our CRM. 

The following are 5 ways to use CRM data for social media marketing: things you need to know about marketing 

      1. Locate the destination of unique people: CRM helps you identify patterns of behavior within your audience, which builds unique people to generate promotions. This tracking automatically collects relevant information about customers and their needs, as your list of prospects grows, it can be defined and promoted in a way that generates more income during this process.
      2. Customer Tracking: The lead score is characterized by tracking where your potential customers are in the sales funnel and the strength of each one. Which helps to ensure a good investment of time and resources in customers who will actually become leads.
      3. Isolate customers who do not buy recently: Since you know how sales are doing better than anyone else in your business, it is best that you gather customers who have been "stuck" regarding purchases of your products and plan a strategy of special promotions such as: free shipping or unique offer codes for discounts. CRM can offer your customers more specialized offers.
      4. Take advantage of sales opportunities: Thanks to CRM, your company already has data that works to identify new opportunities and, therefore, generate more sales. How? By analyzing data about your sales, such as How much you buy or what product you buy, you can generate a new offer for your prospects.
      5. Optimize your sales process: Sales optimization includes the collection and analysis of data, which allows you to know more about your customers, such as: their reasons for purchase, frequency, behavior. Basically, understanding the buyer's journey from another perspective. 

Maybe it might interest youIt is not Marketing and Sales, it is Income!  

Remember that there are always other applications that can be integrated into your CRM,  however, social networks are usually our best data entry due to the high consumption of these platforms by users. Without further ado, Facebook makes this process quick and easy, easily increasing user data in the CRM, improving campaign efficiency and product delivery.

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