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Strategic use of the Buyer Persona within Hubspot CRM

3 min read

Strategic use of the Buyer Persona within Hubspot CRM

Through previous blogs we have talked about the Buyer Persona and how this is the first pillar to create an effective Inbound Marketing strategy. If you have not yet developed your Buyer Persona, we invite you to create it you can get more information in our Blog Guide of three steps to build your Buyer Persona, you can also take a look at the Make My Persona tool in Hubpot where you can create your Buyer Persona interactively.

Did you create your Buyer Persona? Then it's time to get comfortable because in this article you will discover everything you should know about Buyer Personas and how to get the most out of them thru a CRM, specifically in Hubspot.

Assign the Buyer Persona to the contacts in my database

Maybe you already had a client database with several of your Buyer Personas on it before acquiring the CRM. The first thing you should do is assign your Buyer Persona to each of those contacts, this will help you to have a greater order and know better the characteristics of each lead individually.

To assign the Buyer Persona to your contacts follow these steps:

  • As a first step you must have the Buyer Persona within Hubspot to be able to make the assignment, for this you must enter your HubSpot account, click on the Settings symbol, located in the main navigation bar.
  • In the menu on the left sidebar, navigate to Properties.
  • In the Search Property field, type Persona
  • Click on the Persona property.
  • Scroll down to the Dropdown Options section. To create a new buyer persona, click add another buyer persona.
  • In the right panel, write information in the fields of your buyer persona. Only fields with * are required.
  • When finished, click Save.

Once you have created your Buyer Personas, go to Contacts> Contacts.

  • Select one of your contacts.
  • Click the Actions drop-down menu and select View all properties.
  • In the Search Property field, type Persona.
  • At the bottom, a field will appear where you will choose the Buyer Persona corresponding to that contact.
  • Click Save, and you're done

Once we have assigned the Buyer Persona, we can carry out a more in-depth study of the contact's involvement history through emails, site visits and social networks. By integrating your CRM with your website or e-commerce, you can easily analyze the effectiveness of campaigns with closed-loop reports, since your page and your CRM communicate constantly.

Sending campaigns through Email Marketing

One way to reach our current and potential clients is through Email Marketing campaigns, this is one of the channels that will provide us an authentic connection with the people who keep our company running. However, an email is only effective if it is relevant, therefore, create content and focus your email on the needs of your Buyer Persona.

How does your CRM help you?

Your CRM will give you the opportunity to address your contacts personally, but it will not work if you do not segment them according to each of your Buyer Persona. The more you segment, the more specific and relevant your communication will be, giving them the attention and commitment that your contacts deserve.

And remember, your Buyer Persona is the cornerstone of your Inbound Marketing strategy, that means that all decisions about your campaigns must be based on it. From the language you are going to use, to the frequency of delivery that your emails will have.

The Buyer Persona within the conversion process

Another of the tools that Hubspot CRM offers us and that is essential for the Inbound methodology, are the forms. A form is a digital tool that allows you to collect information from potential clients to be stored in your database within the CRM.

Through forms you can create questions that will help you get to know your Buyer Personas better. for example, you need to know if people have motivations to search for an HR platform, then, be sure to ask questions such as “what challenges do they face today?” to help segment your leads. Also, among the fields that you can incorporate in your form is the Buyer Persona field, this box will allow you to automatically assign your new contact to a Buyer Persona within the CRM.


Blog: How a Buyer persona improves the sales process


Let´s learn how to do it.

  • First log into your HubSpot account, click the Marketing checkbox located in the main navigation bar. Then press Leads Acquisition> Forms
  • In the upper right part of the dashboard press Create form.
  • Choose between Classic Form / Popup Form and press Next.
  • Select the template you will use, then press Start.
  • In the Search for existing fields field, type Persona.
  • Drag the Buyer Persona box to your form.
  • Click on the Persona field you just added to the form and change the information according to your requirements.
  • When finished, click Publish and add your form to the landing page.

As we have seen, the creation of a Buyer Persona enables marketing and sales teams to work together and gain a better understanding of consumer buying behavior, as well as needs, reactions, and triggers.

Although the Hubspot CRM is very intuitive and your sales and marketing team will learn to use it right away, it is important to know the tool and the Inbound Methodology to take full advantage of all its features and get the most out of it. Therefore, having an experienced partner in marketing and sales alignment and digitization is key to your business success.

At Imagineer, we are experts in the digital transformation and Inbound Marketing sector, and we have extensive experience with tools as CRM, eCommerce, and Platforms, improving the business results of our clients every month.

If you need help in your customer acquisition process or want more information, we will be happy to help you. Wanna talk?


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