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What is a blog and why you should have one?

4 min read

What is a blog and why you should have one?


Before answering your question about why your company should have a blog, it is necessary to answer the question What is really a corporate blog?

First, it is important to know that a blog and a corporate website are two totally different things, the website shows users or potential clients everything that the company can offer: services, solutions, equipment, etc. However, the corporate blog informs users about a specific issue that they are concerned about solving, associated with the service or product you sell.


For this reason, the writing style should not be self-promoting, but rather informative, as if to offer learning. A topic could be, for example, if you sell wines, a title could be how choosing the right wine can help make your evening a success. At Imagineer for example, we focus on creating content around the services we offer such as consulting, inbound marketing and the implementation of platforms such as e-Commerce or portals. We don't post about pet care or interior design because we don't sell anything related to those topics.

If your company does not have a blog, it is time to reconsider, did you know that blogs have been rated as the fifth most trusted source for information online. Updated statistics from Hubspot indicate that "72% of CEOs surveyed said that creating relevant content is the most effective SEO tactic." Websites with a blog tend to have 434% more pages indexed, and businesses that blog get twice as much traffic from their email marketing as those that don't.

If you still have doubts, here are three compelling reasons why corporate blogging should be an integral part of any marketing strategy today.


inbound stages


1. They help attract traffic to your website

How are people currently finding your website?

The website is the main digital asset of any company, so guiding users to it should be your primary objective. A blog helps them know who you are and what you offer, being present in their day to day helps them navigate your site and learn and trust you.

True, you can pay for traffic if you put ads, and thus bring more people to your site, but that is expensive and will only show for a certain time. However, the blog will last over time, and that person will find you now or in 10 years.

You probably have around 5 or 15 pages on your website right now and it is also possible that you haven't updated them in a long time, right? When you publish a blog, you index new content that indicates to Google and other search engines that your site is active, search engines identify your page and verify it, this gives you the opportunity to drive traffic to your website through organic search. We'll take a closer look at the benefits of blogging on your SEO later.

But not only search engines help you attract traffic, every time you write, you create content that can be shared on social networks, this will help you show your business to people who still do not know anything about what you sell or what you do. . Publishing a blog on social networks also helps you to be a reliable source of content and consolidate your social reach.

2. Convert traffic into leads

You managed to have traffic on your website, then it is time to convert them into buyers. Each blog is an opportunity to generate a new prospect. How is it possible? Well, through CTAs or calls to action on your blog.

CTAs usually link to free offers, such as an ebook, an infographic, a video, a discount, a consultancy or basically any content of interest for which a person would leave you their data. 

If you look at this article it also has a call to action, in fact each of our blogs usually have one or two. This is how you manage to transform the traffic that comes to your blog into leads for your sales team.

3. Establish authority

As we saw earlier, answering questions your prospects ask is what a corporate blog typically encompasses. The more content you create for your buyer persona, the greater the authority and positioning in your sector. Imagine how many deals could be closed if you gave your prospects the tools to believe in your business, while they discover that you give them the right answers with blog content written by their sales rep.

A page with a Domain Authority or Page Authority will be visited by many people and will be among the top positions in the SERPs organically, without requiring exorbitant click-through payments or obscure techniques.


4. They drive long-term results


The origin of blogging dates back to the 90s with programs to create forums on the Internet, but it was not until 1994 that the first personal blog was created by Justin Hall, an American journalist who was a university student at the time. Can you imagine how many blogs have been written since that date? Or how many blogs did you read that were written 3 or 5 years ago?

Let's say you make up your mind and write your first blog, you publish it and that same day you get 100 visits and 10 prospects, the next day you get 50 visits and 5 prospects thanks to some people who shared it, after a couple of days you may think that The useful life of your article is over there, however by that time your article will classify to enter the search engines and that will mean that for days, months and future years your blog will continue to send traffic and prospects to your website. Did you know that 70% of the traffic on web pages comes from articles that were not published that month? Think about it, an hour of effort today can turn into hundreds of thousands of views and leads in the future.


As a conclusion, helping drive new traffic to your website and working closely with search engines and social media through blogging will help you create content for your buyer persona, who will become prospects when they discover that your business offers answers and valuable content.

And don't be discouraged if all your blog readers don't turn into prospects. Just start writing articles for your blog, add calls to action at the end of each one, set a visitor-to-prospect conversion rate, and strive to beat it every month. I hope this article gives you an initial idea of ​​this exciting topic. I wish you good luck with your content strategy.

If you have any questions or simply have a comment about this blog, write me below, I will be happy to answer your questions. Of the traffic on web pages comes from articles that were not published that month? Think about it, an hour of effort today can turn into hundreds of thousands of views and leads in the future.As a conclusion, helping drive new traffic to your website and working closely with search engines and social media through blogging will help you create content for your buyer persona, who will become prospects when they discover that your business offers answers and valuable content. And don't be discouraged if all your blog readers don't turn into prospects. Just start writing articles for your blog, add calls to action at the end of each one, set a visitor-to-prospect conversion rate, and strive to beat it every month.

I hope this article gives you an initial idea of this exciting topic. I wish you good luck with your content strategy.If you have any questions or simply have a comment about this blog, write me below, I will be happy to answer your questions. Finally here is the CTA of this blog, I hope it helps you successfully plan your future blogs.



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