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UX Design vs. UI Design

2 min read

UX Design vs. UI Design

Digitalization has taken a fundamental part in the world. It is no longer customary to work without electricity and internet, many companies are global and even people in their leisure time prefer to stay at home than go out.

This is why UX and UI are so important. This is how you can know the agility with which a user performs tasks within a platform (UX) and the help that the visual environment brings to that agility (UI). Later we will look at their differences and establish whether it is vital that they are in tandem within a platform.

Blog topics:

  • What is UX?
  • What is UI?
  • Let's compare what each is and what each does.

What is UX?

User experience is a person's different perceptions and responses when using a product. An analysis is performed to determine the ease with which people perform a task, the agility, the usability of a product, and the emotions people have when using the product. Based on this analysis, changes are made, if necessary, so that people have better perceptions and responses to continue using the product in the long term. UX design is a constant analysis of this behavior as it goes hand in hand with changes in behavior and perception of people in general. For more information on this topic, read the blog What is User Experience and what is it for?

Inbound marketing and UX Design fgreat customer experience <<

What is UI?

User Interface is the visible part of a digital platform; it is what people see when interacting with an application, web page, blog, etc. For a good UI design, people must be able to perform tasks on that platform intuitively. That is, the design must guide them without complications and make people can perform those tasks efficiently and effectively.

When we open an application, what we see is UI, but the way we can do things within that application is UX.

Let's compare what each is and what each does.



Identifies problems users may have when performing tasks.

Create an interface where users can perform tasks intuitively.

It is the first step in designing a platform or product.

It is the last step of a digital design.

It traces the movement patterns of a user within a platform.

Performs interactives based on the UX movement patterns.

Can apply it to both digital and non-digital products.

Can apply it to digital products only.

Analyzes both users and the company's competitors.

Conducts design research and analyzes the users.

Focuses on user perceptions and responses, how they feel, what they experience, and how they improve.

Focuses on how intuitive the user can be on parts and visual elements and works together with platform developers.

Runs tests and performs analysis to make changes.

Wireframes and UX prototyping

Creates UI prototypes, interaction prototypes, and also animation prototypes

Tracks the product from inception to completion/launch.

Focuses on the last stage of product creation.


As we saw in the previous table, User Experience design and User Interface are different, and what they have in common are testing and analysis. Since they must focus on these for the success of the changes to be implemented, an essential part is to ensure the functionality of the digital platform at the time of contact with the user. You can create UI without UX or vice versa, but that does not guarantee that the user will have good experiences and be happy with what they are using, nor that it will look good and be intuitive if they are not connected in a design.


>> What is UX Research and what is its importance? <<

In a platform, it is essential to have both types of design, and this will be reflected in the ease with which people will be able to use it and fulfill the tasks for which it was designed.

To verify that your website has good use of both UI and UX, we leave you this checklist that you can use.



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