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Main HubSpot CRM features

2 min read

Main HubSpot CRM features

The use of CRM; how these platforms can bring agility, efficiency and control to your processes.

Why use a CRM? How does the use of CRM add up for my department? What is a CRM?

These are some of the questions that department leaders ask themselves when they see the term CRM, or when a company contacts them to offer these services.

The concept of CRM is not unknown, but it is misapplied. CRM is a platform for managing customer relationship management through business practices and strategies and the application of technology.

Customer relationship management has become an important pillar for sales management, knowing their tastes, their concerns, interests, and their day to day life is the basis for a healthy and effective business relationship; but it does not stop there, the effectiveness of using a CRM platform is based on keeping as much information about your prospects, your customers, in relation to all departments of the company.

This is something that HubSpot has done very well, and its functions are not only based on capturing the name and email of the contacts, but in a set of information of that "buyer" persona (ideal customer) that is used to establish different strategies and to provide a complete experience to each of the contacts, during their buying process.

On its own a platform will not be of much use, but it is a very important pillar if you implement a good business strategy.

HubSpot understood that what is needed is agility in the processes and that is why the entire journey you make within the platform is completely intuitive and user-friendly; from entering the information of your potential and current customers, to reviewing the indicators in sales management or even validating the assertiveness in the attention of your customer service department.

It's a whole experience, while sharing relevant content for the execution of your sales processes.

Now, how does HubSpot do all of the above; by creating systems, tools and integrations that lead you to establish meaningful relationships with your prospects and customers?

Imagineer-Uso tecnología CRM

Here's what you can do at HubSpot:

  • Create and organise your contacts.
  • Manage the organisations to which each of your contacts belong.
  • Integrate call service to follow up on contacts.
  • Check your emails directly from the CRM.
  • Design your marketing campaigns.
  • Sequence emails to share relevant information to your prospects and make their buying journey more natural and effective.
  • Get information directly from your social networks, such as Facebook, WhastApp, and website.
  • Manage your business opportunities:
      - Stages of the sales cycle.
      - How long does it take you to close an opportunity?

  • Task management, reminders.
  • Share files, links.
  • Monitor customer service cases or incidences.
  • You have a full dashboard of reports to analyse different types of information, reports for sales management, marketing campaigns, sales cycles, customer ranking and more.

You can manage your projects:

  • Assign responsible.
  • Delivery times.
  • Monitor tasks.
  • Attach important project documentation.

Advantages of using HubSpot CRM

CRMuserOrganizations own data 

Customer information is important, therefore, it should belong to the company, and not only in the mind of the sales representative.

Accessible information

You can access at any time and from any device to view contact information updates, manage representatives and more.

Centralisation of information 

Hubspot connects marketing, sales and customer service management, so you have traceability of your entire buyer's journey on a single platform.

Sales, marketing and customer service management effectiveness monitoring

You can have indicators of the effectiveness of your work teams, from lead indicators, marketing campaigns, return on investment, service tickets, KPI's and more.


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