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Registration and creation of vendors in the Marketplace

2 min read

Registration and creation of vendors in the Marketplace

The Marketplace is a platform that helps us connect sellers and buyers, that several companies can publish their products and start selling them.

There are different ways to register in the Marketplace to be a seller, the administrator can choose to use the default form that brings the Marketplace to create an account and accept or deny the seller, or you can provide your own form to companies, collect the data from there and create the seller himself.

Next, we will see a guide of the 2 ways to add companies:

  • Sign up to be a seller in the Marketplace.
  • Adding companies manually from the Magento administrator.
Register in the Marketplace as a seller

The companies that want to register can do it themselves by following the next steps:

Ecommerce and Marketplace bring included registration forms, depending on the design the create account link can be displayed either in the menu or in the footer; it is from that form where sellers can add their information and register.

1. To register as a seller using the form provided by the Marketplace, click on "Create an account" It is a form very similar to the one to create an account as a customer.

Crear cuenta magento


2. All fields must be filled in.

3. In the field "Do you want to become a salesman?" you have to check the option "Yes".

4. Another field will be displayed for you, to indicate the URL you want for your store. You can use several words indicating the name of your store separated by hyphens (-) for example:

url para tienda_Magento

5. When you fill in the data and click on the "create" button, an email will be sent to the administrator to validate the data and to approve or reject the seller.

6. The status of the request will appear in the seller's account.

Panel de solicitud en magento

7. Once the seller's account has been approved you will be able to configure your store. Following the above steps the information entered will be sent to the administrator, he will review the application and approve your application if all the data is correct.

Read more: Promotional tools in Magento

How to add companies to the Marketplace

The second method for adding companies to the Marketplace works for the administrator to upload the seller data from the Magento admin and create the stores, either by configuring them or not.

1. Sellers are created as customers, but they are assigned the seller role.

In the menu Customers > All customers

Select "new customer" and enter the seller's information.

nuevo cliente_Magento


The fields: Name, surname, and e-mail are necessary fields to create it.

2. To convert the client into a salesperson, click on the option "Do you want to convert this client into a salesperson?" in the menu that appears on the left side of the screen.

Imagen 5

You have to include the URL of the store and check the option that says approve seller.

3. When saving the changes, this account will become a seller account and the user will be able to access to configure his store or the administrator will be able to configure it.

When the seller is created in this way, an email will be sent to the seller to create his account and after that, he will be able to start configuring his store.


Online shopping has been on the rise in recent years, that's why you have to make the most of platforms like Marketplace, make it attractive for sellers to sign up, and also make that sign-up process easy and intuitive to attract businesses.



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