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5 Marketing Tools that every eCommerce should have

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5 Marketing Tools that every eCommerce should have

Lately the eCommerce concept has become one of the most resonated within the sales planning of a company. In an abrupt and almost obligatory way, managers have begun to see the need to have an online store and thus be able to continue selling even when none of our collaborators is on working hours.

However, something that is rarely mentioned for all these brands that are joining the eCommerce world are the marketing tools that can boost the sales conversion rate. Every day more brands believe they are doing everything right to have a digital presence even when all they have is a simple website with a payment method. That is NOT an eCommerce. The robustness of a true eCommerce can be measured according to the integrations and tools it has. Therefore, the present blog.

If you have not been told about these tools either, you are in the right place. Next, we will talk about 5 tools that will make your user decide to buy from you faster.


Stock Availability

"Availability in stock". In such a fast-paced world as we live in, it is extremely important for the customer to know if there really is the possibility of having their product in a short time. In addition, when the inventory is about to run out, you will feel the need to buy it just because you think that "I'm almost out of it, I'd better buy it before it runs out."

For example, in the following image we can see one of the ways to present this tool. On this website, the user can only select the size and color combinations that are available.

* In this case, if you want to buy the blouse in yellow, only sizes M, L and XL are available *

Similarly, in another business model, this tool can be used to notify the customer beforehand that they will have to wait a little longer than usual to receive their order.

It is important to emphasize that this tool can only be had by having a real-time integration with the inventories designated for eCommerce.

Product Ranking

Ratings become more important to consumers every day. If we think about it, being us consumers, imagine that they have 2 options of substitute products for each other, but in store A it has no rating and in store B it has a rating of 4.8 / 5. Which one would you prefer to buy?

As much as an impulsive purchase may be, the customer prefers to make sure that the product they buy has been tested and well rated by the people who have already used it. Remember, the customer is always looking for security when buying online. The more security we give you, the calmer you will feel while shopping from us.

Compare Products

We are all clear that just as most customers buy motivated by feelings, there are a few rational ones that we are still interested in selling to them. The product comparison tool allows us to think like rational buyers and allow them to find the product that best suits what they are looking for, but without leaving our store and this is very important, if we do not provide customers with what they are looking for They are not going to buy us the closest thing they can find, they are going to close our tab and go to buy it where they can find it.

Using Magento's Compare Products tool, you can customize comparable products and looks. However, it is vitally important to have loaded the products correctly so that the comparison suggestions are made automatically and according to the product that is being observed. In the following link you will find a guide on “HOW TO UPLOAD PRODUCTS TO MAGENTO” to make sure you have done it the right way.

Zoom Photos

As is commonly said, "the details make the difference." In addition, if we add to this concept that "The customer always seeks security when buying online" we can see the importance of the images having the option to enlarge the product and with this highlight the small great details that can change a decision.

Add to Wishlist

The Wishlist’s tool allows the user to generate their own “wish list” in which they can save a product for later if they do not have the possibility to buy it at that time.

Through Magento, this tool allows users to have more than one wishlist at the same time and to be able to configure them between public and private. Having this tool enables us a marketing channel in which we can use special dates such as Christmas or birthdays to remind the customer of those products that were once interested in them.

In addition, through public wishlist’s you can invite a third party to give away the products that are on the list. In this way we are able to encourage the sharing of the link of our store, thus obtaining another possible buyer.

With a correct implementation of these tools in your virtual store, conversions from visitors to buyers can increase in impressive ways. It is extremely important to have these features on your website. Likewise, these are just some of the tools that can be found specifically as shopping tools on world-leading platforms such as Magento. If you want great results, start with a great eCommerce. Virtual stores are not a list of products with order mode! Evaluate your eCommerce right here.

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