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UX: a lever that drives the entire sales cycle

4 min read

UX: a lever that drives the entire sales cycle

What is UX?

User Experience is the design that is in charge of improving the usability of a product, service, or system, that is, its efficiency, effectiveness, and user satisfaction when using that product. Therefore, UX design is in charge of the product's appearance and how it feels when using it.


In this article, we are going to onboard about:

- UX Stages

- Why should a company use UX?

- What is the sales cycle?

- Why implement UX in sales?

- Implementing UX in sales


UX Stages


When you have the purpose of carrying out a UX study, you must perform different fundamental phases to obtain a successful result. From before the use of the object to after it. Some of these are:

  1. User needs: the first thing to determine is the user's need to use the product, service, or system and see if that need is being met.
  2. Product requirements: based on the previous information, the user and product requirements are determined so that the product meets all the user's needs.
  3. Investigation of the context of use: With the help of similar objects, services or systems, or even the object that the company sells, it is determined how the user uses it, where he uses it, what functionalities or aspects he uses specifically, at what time he does it and also how he uses the object, service or system. The user's experience is evaluated, and improvements to the product are determined.
  4. Making improvements: Once the upgrades to the object, service, or system have been determined, new proposals are established that meet the requirements and improve the user's experience when using the thing, service, or design.
  5. Evaluation of improvements: in the proposals, the upgrades are evaluated by potential users. In this way, it is known what works and what does not.
  6. Prototyping: based on the previous information, a prototype is created, evaluated, and improved until the final prototype is ready to be implemented.


>>What is UX Research and why is it important? <<

Once the new product, service, or system is determined, it is implemented. The evaluation of the user experience never ends since it is necessary to constantly change with the digitalization of the world and the people's or user's new experiences.

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Why should a company use UX?

Nowadays, User Experience is significant both in business and people's daily lives. Everything that surrounds humans has been designed, plus it has User Experience in the process, both before, during, and after the product is made. It continues to have a user experience every time it is used. This is why it is so important when creating any new product, whether physical, digital, or both. It is also critical to make improvements to products, services, or systems.

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To compete with others, a company must rely on the product and user experience to stand out and cover a wider field. Nowadays, it is not only the product that is important, but also how satisfied users are when performing tasks with it and also the feelings they have, for example, happiness or frustration.

This is to know what makes the product functional, if it satisfies the user's need if that person feels comfortable using it, and the ease with which the tasks of that product are performed, among others. Thus, a user with an outstanding experience will want to use the product, service, or system again. Therefore, he will recommend it, but if his understanding is wrong, he will do the opposite. In this case, the company's sales go down, and it does not have enough income, which can lead to bankruptcy.

Therefore, it is essential to implement the UX, carry out all the phases, and continue to improve the experience of people to increase revenue and that the company exists for a long time.


What is the sales cycle?

A sales cycle is all the steps to be followed to sell a product, service, or system. It goes from knowing who the potential customers are to closing a sale, and we will explain this step by step.


Sales prospecting:

  • In this stage, customer prospects are evaluated.
  • Their profiles are determined.
  • Potential customers are identified.
  • Strategies are established to contact them.


Establish contact: Once you have the potential customers, you start contacting them depending on how they made the first contact. Once this is done, you establish what stage of purchase they are in.


Qualify the lead: You establish the type of customer and for what purpose they want the product, service, or system. They are given characteristics such as their budget, job position, how soon they need the product, and their needs.


Cultivate the potential customer: During this stage, the product is presented to the customer using marketing: email, and social networks, among others. The use of the product and how it solves the customer's need is shown.


Please make an offer: When the customer is ready to purchase, a request is made to buy the product based on their information.


Handle claims: Once the offer is made, the customer may have complaints and objections, so you must know how to handle those complaints and convince them that this product, service, or system is the best option.


Close the sale: The final question is established when the aggressiveness with which it should do it has been determined depending on the whole process explained above. Once this is done, proceed to explain or answer any questions the customer may have.

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Implementation of UX in sales

Since the UX considers the user experience throughout the entire process, it should consider this evaluation from when the company contacts the customer until the time the user uses the product, service, or system. It should maintain the constant improvement of the process and create a real relationship with users so that they have loyalty to the brand or company and that the shopping experience is the best possible.

To learn some steps to create a sales process, I invite you to read the following blog: The ultimate guide to creating a sales process.

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In conclusion, can determine that the implementation of UX in the sales process is a lever to sell since it takes into account the experiences of users for the improvement of the process, for the implementation of contact techniques, qualification, customer cultivation, knowing how to make offers, handle complaints depending on the personality and position of the customer, to make the sale, in addition to the handling of doubts, and also the evaluation of the product for its improvement. The UX is essential for companies to be competitive in the market, from before the creation of the product, service, or system, during the purchase and use, and even after acquiring it. Since the UX is focused on the customer, this should be the primary focus, but with which companies are benefited.



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