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2 min read

Step-by-step guide to add a coupon to your store in Adobe Commerce

2 min read

Step-by-step guide to add a coupon to your store in Adobe Commerce

If you own an online store, you already know how important it is to attract and keep loyal customers. Coupons are a powerful tool for achieving both goals, as they give your customers incentives to shop at your store and make them feel valued for their loyalty. 

We'll explore how to create your coupons and how to manage them effectively, as it can help you boost your business online. If you want to grow your virtual store and maximize your sales, follow these steps to create your coupons in Adobe Commerce.


  1. In the administrative panel, we will select Marketing < Promotions < Price rules for the shopping cart.

    administrative panel_Magento
  2. We select Add new rule.
  3. Once there, we enter the name of the rule which would be the name to identify our coupon. For example, 15% discount, as we will activate a 15% discount in our store.
  4. We added a small description, which will be shown to the customer at checkout, the reason why the coupon exists or for how long it will be active. For example, since we are in the month of love and friendship, I will describe this month.

    >>Guide to create CMS Blocks in Adobe Commerce<<

  5. We activate the option so that our coupon is active, in case our coupon is not active it will not have an effect.
  6. We select the specific website to which we want the coupon to apply or the Main website if we want it to apply to all our stores. Take into account that if we apply the coupon to all stores, the description will not translate by itself, in this case, it is better to have 2 identical coupons, only with different descriptions in the language of your website, and apply them to their respective stores.

    Main website_Magento
  7. In the customer group option, we will select the group that our coupon is intended for. We can make it go to only a specific group of clients or make it general for all clients.
  8. We will select the specific coupon option in case we want our coupon to work with a specific code and a new option will be displayed below called Coupon Code. In this new option, we will enter the code that our clients will have to write to obtain the discount
  9. The use option per coupon, it refers to how many times this coupon can be used in our store. If there is no limit, enter a very large number of uses.

    >>Create Products in Magento 2 - Adobe Commerce<<

  10. In uses by customers, we refer to the number of times that a specific customer can use the coupon. If we are only going to allow our clients to use the code once, we will put a 1.
  11. To make our coupon have its own start and expiration date, without having to be aware of deactivating it or forgetting to do so, we have the From to To options. In the first option, we will select the start date of the coupon, and in the second the day the coupon will cease to take effect.
    Price rule_Magento

    Step 12 can be omitted if we do not want to add specific conditions to the coupon.
  12. In the conditions option, a series of options will be displayed with which we can interact to add rules to our coupon, and it only applies if these conditions are met, in my case I will not put conditions on it. An example of conditions that we can add could be that it only applies to purchases greater than a specific amount, to a region, country, state or province, etc.
  13. Lastly, we expanded the stock option. In the application, we select the option Percentage discount on the price of the article. In the option below, amount of discount, we enter the amount of discount that our coupon will have, in my case, it is 15%, so I have to enter 15.

    New cart price rule
  14. We save the coupon and clear the cache (System < Cache Manager < Empty Cache).

    Once all these steps are done, our coupon is ready and active to be used in our store.

    >>Value and implementation of sites, stores and views in Adobe Commerce<<

    In case you want to know more information about coupons you can visit Coupon Codes from Adobe's official website where you can find much more information about coupons.
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