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What are HubSpot feedback surveys, and what is their purpose?

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What are HubSpot feedback surveys, and what is their purpose?

Find out what HubSpot surveys are, what they are for, the types of surveys you can develop within the CRM and how they bring value to the customer.

HubSpot, by essence, has been characterized as a CRM with omnichannel functions, tools, and work modules that are very versatile and efficient, seeking to improve your company's processes and the experience in the cycle based on the customer. Therefore, in its customer journey. One of these essential modules is the service module, better known as the Service Hub

Within the Service, Hub is a tool that personalizes the approach with customers, studies their behavior, loyalty, commitment to your brand, satisfaction, and measures your teams' attention and support response.  This tool is known as HubSpot's feedback survey.

In this blog, we will address this customer feedback software through the following topics:

  • What are HubSpot feedback surveys, and what is their purpose?
  • What are the types of surveys that exist in HubSpot?
  • Custom surveys.
  • Technical support surveys (CES).
  • Satisfaction surveys (CSAT).
  • Loyalty surveys (NPS).
  • Why are feedback surveys important to generate customer value?

What are HubSpot Feedback Surveys, and what is their purpose?

It's no secret that there is always a time when companies need to collect more information to analyze new behaviors of their customers and markets of interest to stay relevant and generate value for their customers or potential prospects.

At that moment, the organization will need to make studies and collect data to generate new statistics and reliable analytics to show with accurate data the current situation and the level of awareness that the customer perceives of your company.

What are the types of surveys that exist on HubSpot?

HubSpot's feedback surveys are essential to constantly measuring your marketing teams' monthly efforts to enrich the customer journey experience. 

HubSpot has four types of survey models:

  • Custom Surveys: HubSpot allows you to configure and develop this type of survey from scratch and tailored to the requirements or type of customer segmentation you need to adjust to obtain data on the experience of your type of clientele. 

This type of survey follows the following processes: 

  1. Survey your customers or your established segmentation of contacts in your database: You use a feedback survey that will analyze custom and industry standard CSAT/NPS questions, to collect contact information and link the responses to your CRM.
  2. Linking questions to properties: Custom survey questions are related to CRM feedback properties. You will be able to use these properties to organize the information you will store from your contacts.
  3. Empowering other HubSpot modules and tools: The comment properties you link in the previous process with the custom survey questions will assign other HubSpot modules and tools. You will be able to enable workflows to trigger follow-up actions and use custom reports to analyze the data.
  4. Inspect your mailings and their performance: Once you have created and sent your customized survey, you will start receiving mailings from your contacts. Will synchronize this response with the CRM, and you will understand how your customers show interest or disinterest in your products and services or your company.
  • Technical Assistance Surveys (CES): Support surveys respond to a function more related to customers rating the level of ease with which they have received help when they need it.

    This type of survey follows the following processes: 

  1. Survey your customer base: Use a Customer Effort Rating (CES) survey to determine how your contacts feel about their experience with technical assistance or support. When you set up the survey, you can send it automatically when a support ticket is closed.
  2. Determine the questions you will use: Define follow-up questions based on a customer's response so you can discover what you could do better or how you are delighting your customer base. You could also send personalized thank you messages based on the customer's rating.
  3. Survey the right people: Use personalization tokens and link the survey to your ticket pipeline to automate the process and save time. The survey will be related to ticket pipelines and sent to customers (or a group of segmented contacts) when their tickets are closed.
  4. Automate actions and follow-up: Create a triggered workflow based on a customer's rating of their help desk or support experience. You could automate actions such as setting up a task, sending an email, or rotating the customer to the manager who owns the contact.
  5. Analyze the data: Develop reports and analyze survey responses over time. You could monitor any increase or decrease in customer sentiment and use this data to support the creation or redesign of your support strategy.
  • Customer satisfaction surveys (CSAT): Make use of a customer satisfaction survey when you need to get feedback on any stage of your customer's experience that you want to dig deeper to evaluate your business practices for improvement.

    If you want to know more about how to design or improve your customer experience I invite you to read our blog: 

>> How should you improve the customer experience? <<


>> The power of customer experience design <<


>> Customer experience design in less than 700 words <<


Satisfaction surveys (CSAT) follow the following processes:

  • Survey your customer base: Use customer satisfaction surveys (CSAT) to get feedback on your customers' experience with your company. You can send this type of survey via email or on any of your web or landing pages with your HubSpot tracking code.

If you want to learn what HubSpot tracking code is and how to set it up in your HubSpot environment, I invite you to read the following HubSpot guide:

  • Survey your customer base: Use customer satisfaction surveys (CSAT) to get feedback on your customers' experience with your company. You can send this type of survey via email or on any of your web or landing pages with your HubSpot tracking code.

If you want to learn what HubSpot tracking code is and how to set it up in your HubSpot environment, I invite you to read the following HubSpot guide:

>> How to Install HubSpot tracking code? <<

  1. Determine the questions you will use: Set follow-up questions based on a customer's response so that you discover what you could do better or how you are delighting your customer base. You could also send personalized thank you messages based on the customer's rating.
  2. Survey the right contacts: You will need to target the survey to the right people or decision-makers at the right time. A recommended method would be using lists or setting your criteria based on HubSpot properties. Even decide when should send the survey and who in your company should be notified once a new response comes in.
  3. Automate actions through workflows: Build a workflow directly from your survey, triggered based on a customer's rating. Then assign a task within the workflow, send an email, or even perform a bifurcation by type of contact segmentation (either by kind of buyer persona, industry, qualification, among others). It is to be automatically assigned by the correct contact type of owner.
  4. Automate actions through workflows: Build a workflow directly from your survey triggered based on the classification a customer makes. Then assign a task within the workflow, send an email, or even perform a bifurcation by type of contact segmentation (either by kind of buyer persona, industry, qualification, among others). To be automatically assigned by the correct type of contact owner.
  • Loyalty surveys or (NPS): Net Promoter Score or loyalty surveys can track the type of probability that a customer will recommend your company. 

    NPS surveys performance it is necessary to follow the following processes: 
  1. Defining objectives: A customer loyalty survey (NPS) is used to understand how your customer feels about your brand, product, or experience with your company. Once you set up an NPS survey, you should proceed to send it to your customer at regularly scheduled intervals so that you can analyze their sentiment and make decisions about it.
  2. Choosing key questions: It is crucial to consider the context. It Is a customer to whom you will send a survey to analyze how you satisfy their needs, generate value for them, and value your company values their experience. Therefore, it is essential to send messages to give them a personalized thank you.   
  3. Send content to the right customers: Target the survey to the right customer sponsors at the right time. Beforehand, make sure you have created a contact list to segment the contact base that will receive the NPS survey.
  4. Generate automation using workflows:
  • Automate the follow-up once the survey is done.
  • Use an NPS property.
  • Have a triggering property purpose that will trigger other actions from workflows.

Why are feedback surveys important to generate customer value?

HubSpot's feedback surveys are a convenient tool to always keep in touch with the customer. It is to understand how they have perceived the quality of the experience they receive from our company, the perceived experience attention and the response of tickets, and the relationship with our brand for the last months or even years. These are responsible for nurturing them and generating value when perhaps they did not think of us, or otherwise, we are part of critical day-to-day stages.

Feedback surveys measure the performance of months of work and different efforts of the commercial departments (marketing, sales, and customer service, among others). Surveys can be of great importance when designing new strategies to address customer experience, and these function as base indicators for the latest techniques and planning to be carried out.

If you are interested in learning more about how to create, segment, and develop strategies and measurements of your customer's experience and the relationship they have with your company, schedule a meeting with one of our consultants.

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