Customer Experience Insights

New HubSpot software releases for 2022!

Written by Alfonso Ramírez | Jun 28, 2022

Find out which new HubSpot software releases are in store for 2022 for the world's best CRM, according to G2. Stay tuned; many of them will be incredible for your company.

Last month, HubSpot was the best CRM software based on the latest Spring 2022 grid report by G2.

This news is not surprising, given that HubSpot has demonstrated many essential differentiators in the technology industry in recent years. Among which the following modules stand out: 

  • Difference between Beta & Live Updates.
  • Beta & Live Updates in CMS, Marketing, Sales & Service Hub modules.
  • Operations Hub module updates. 
  • General CRM updates and essential integrations.


Difference between Beta & Live Updates

For companies that are not yet thoroughly familiar with HubSpot terminologies, there are two types of updates to CRM software: 

  • Beta Updates. 
  • Live Updates. 

You may ask, how do the two differ? In the case of Beta updates, the beta is a product update still under development. Live updates, on the other hand, have already gone through the development processes and are published in all partner environments.

In the case of Beta updates, some of these may not be updated on the partner's or its customers' portal, so we must consider the following factors:

  • The implementer may need to request access to the tools or updates under development from the manufacturer.
  • The new update is unavailable due to the license the implementer or its customer has.


Beta & Live updates in CMS, Marketing, Sales & Service Hub modules.

As part of some of the HubSpot software updates for this year, among the most important ones that are in development or live, we have identified the following:

1. Creation of SLAs: Even if they have been assigned only for the conversation module, this will allow you to establish service level agreements for your company's inbox, both for time entries for the first response or even for the closing time if necessary. It is available from sales or service professional & enterprise licenses.

2. Creation of campaign templates for ad sequences: The ad sequence templates are in charge of showing the client a sequential documented guide of actions. This will generate steps that will create excellent marketing campaigns. These can be sent repeatedly and are available from marketing professionals or enterprise licenses.

To develop them, enter the marketing module > then click on the Ads tool > once inside, click on the Ad Sequence button. Ad sequences are executed in the same way as sales sequence automation. HubSpot will show you a step-by-step configuration depending on the ad sequence you will use.

3. Page meta descriptions are now available in the SEO recommendations: With this, it is possible to make these SEO optimizations. In addition, it can generate integrated campaign reports

4. Workflows based on quotes: These workflow types are available for sales professional licensing. Although it does not yet include the ability to create quotations from a workflow, quote approvals will remain an enterprise feature.

Operations Hub Module Updates

As part of some of the new features of HubSpot's Operations software for this year, among the most important ones under development, we have identified the following: 

1. Enhanced conditional logic mapping on datasets with "IF" rules:  this new update has the purpose of transforming and segmenting reporting data. Using "IF" rules allow conditional logic to perform specific analysis. You can also group-specific data sets by multiple calculation conditions or data enrichment.

2. Get requests via Webhooks Workflows
 You can set up GET requests to receive data from other tools or platforms directly to HubSpot. Additionally, webhook responses can be configured in the workflow and tested to ensure it is working correctly. These updates are available from licenses of the operations professional and enterprise modules.


General CRM Updates and Important Integrations

Some of the new features within the CRM and new integrations for this year, among the most important ones that are under development, we have identified the following:

1. Flexible associations by customizable object associations:  Now, it is possible to create associations with custom objects (months ago, this was only possible through APIs). You can create tags to create relationships between the associated records. In the following link, you can learn how to make these associations in the CRM:

HubSpot Flexible Associations & HubSpot Custom Objects.

2. Create and synchronize object-based customer billing data through integration with QuickBooks:  HubSpot created a billing object property so customers can view their invoices from a single omnichannel platform. This is to intertwine them with the efforts made by marketing, sales, and service. This integration is available for all Hubs, only requiring the customer to use the HubSpot integration with QuickBooks. This feature is available on all HubSpot licenses and can be found in the marketplace.


Many new changes are in store for this robust CRM this year, empowering its platform with new tools within its management modules. Developing new integrations with more applications in its marketplace and constantly improving the user experience for its customers and partners so they can implement new solutions to address their businesses' daily challenges.

If you are interested in learning more about how an omnichannel CRM can help your company improve its operations, automate the different business areas of your company, and how it will generate ROI, request a consulting meeting with one of our consultants.