The Buyer Persona is the fictitious representation of your ideal customer and can be the key to the success of a Inbound Marketing strategy, so you and your team must take the time to build it. We share a guide that you can follow to build your Buyer Persona.
Step 1. Collect Information
It is very important to work with real data of your current and potential clients as well as other prospects. Some ways in which you can obtain this information are:
Step 2. Ask the Right Questions
The questions depend a lot on the type of company, product, or service you have. Sort them so you can organize the ideas. You can review the Questions Guide for your Buyer Persona. We recommend asking the following:
Step 3. Use of the Information
Once you have done this, you will have a lot of extremely valuable information about your current and potential clients. You must then understand it to properly interpret it and get the most out of creating the marketing strategies, but how can you organize it?
We share a template that will help you classify the information so you can have a better grasp on your Buyer Personas, what motivates them, their motifs and how you can communicate with them.