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Content personalization in Magento Commerce

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Content personalization in Magento Commerce

Magento is a robust eCommerce solution that has consolidated itself as one of the industry leaders and is quickly growing in popularity amongst corporate applications with Adobe Commerce. However, a robust solution will not translate automatically to increased profits.

It's crucial to use a strategy to drive eCommerce operations toward success. One of the key aspects of such platforms is having an engaging, rewarding, and trustworthy user experience since any business is ultimately dependent on the patronage of its customers, and ensuring their satisfaction and loyalty is fundamental to sustaining and growing modern commerce.

Personalization Services:

Product recommendations: Adobe Commerce has a native solution to provide product recommendations using AI, powered by Adobe Sensei, which is part of the Adobe Experience Cloud architecture. It is also possible to use other services, such as Amazon Personalized, to build a recommendation systems, although this will require more work and a developer to create the integration. These solutions analyze the user's behavior and historical data to predict what products they might be interested in, but they can also generate recommendations based on product-specific characteristics, product popularity, trends, and item similarity.

Content personalization:  This consists of changing your site's looks and feels according to what every specific customer might like. It can range from showing specific colors, banners, and texts to having entire sections available only to some customers. Localization is a huge part of content personalization, which means adapting your site to a certain region or culture. This can be changed to language, slang, display currency, cultural references, etc. 

Customer segmentation: Adobe Commerce has an out-of-the-box feature called customer segments, which allows commerce to match. A customer can be assigned to multiple at the same time (or be in none), and the assignment rules can be created to automatically match customers based on their attributes (age, gender, address, etc.) or their actions # of orders, totally spent, customer since, etc. Some things you can do with segmentation are:

Dynamic content: display banners, widgets, product blocks, and other content specific to certain segments.

Dynamic content_Magento

  • Promotions: apply discounts, coupons, and other promotions to segments.


  • Related product rules: create product relations based on customized rules and apply them to specific customer segments.

    Related product rules_Magento


These personalization tools can help you turn a static, vacuous eCommerce into a vibrant, dynamic platform that offers your customers diverse experiences, leading to better customer retention, recurrence, and satisfaction. As mentioned in the beginning,  a robust platform, good as it may be, is needed to increase sales and revenue. It must be accompanied by a strategy that ensures a successful user experience from start to end. Imagineer Customer Experience is a company that specializes in this. Contact us so we can help you take the right steps!

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